
I looked fear straight in the eyes and told it no more.

This is a FreeCodeCamp project that is required to be completed as part of their Front-end curriculum.

I used VanillaJS with this project instead of using JQuery or any other framework.

Here is what I learned.

  1. I learned a great deal of JavaScript and how it is used to manipulate and update the DOM.
  2. I created a AJAX call and made that into a function so I can use it anywhere that needed to fetch the JSON file.
  3. I learned how to parse JSON data into an array and then used Math.random() to fetch a random quote in the array.
  4. I also learned how to use anonymous function expressions and event listeners and used them on certain elements.
  5. I found a small neat library to create the star field from VincentvGarreau
  6. Most importantly, it was fun building this project and it greatly expanded my understanding of JavaScript and its power.

Updates for this repo

*[] Make Mobile friendly *[] Possibly update from using AJAX Api to using Axios library to better understand it.