
Web application developed for UNICEF in order to collect, store, aggregate and visualize information on the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Set up


  1. Python 2.7
  2. PIP
  3. Node >= 0.10.0
  4. Ruby 2.0
  5. PostgreSQL


  1. Virtualenv
  2. Virtualenvwrapper

Building technical documentation

  1. cd docs
  2. make clean
  3. make html
  4. Docs files now available here: docs/_build/html

Setting up the development environment

Virtual Environment (optional)

It is recommended that you create a virtual environment for Python. For more information see the documentation on virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper.

Installing backend dependencies

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

If you are not installing in a virtual environment, you may require root privileges, so you'll need to sudo the above command.

Installing frontend dependencies

$ npm install
$ npm install -g gulp bower
$ bower install
$ sudo gem install sass compass

If you don't want to install gulp or bower globally (with the -g flag), you can run them from the copies installed in node_modules by running

$ ./node_modules/.bin/gulp
$ ./node_modules/.bin/bower

Setting up the database

$ createuser --no-createdb --no-createrole --no-superuser --password djangoapp
$ createdb --owner djangoapp polio
$ python manage.py syncdb
$ python manage.py migrate

The password for the djangoapp user can be found in settings.py.


$ npm run build

This will compile the SASS, pack the JavaScript, and place both in the static/ directory along with all the fonts. If you have gulp in your PATH, you can also run:

$ gulp build


$ npm run dist

This will build the frontend, collect all of Django's static files, and then create zip files for the frontend and backend in the dist/ directory:

  1. uf04-backend.zip
  2. uf04-frontend.zip

Each contains the source necessary to deploy the backend and frontend, respectively. These can be copied to whatever server is hosting each of those components.

The JavaScript and CSS in the frontend zip file is minimized.

If you have gulp in your PATH, you can also run:

$ gulp dist

Deploying the backend

You'll need to configure Apache and WSGI on whatever server you're deploying to, and set up a PostgreSQL database for the application first. Make sure that Apache is configured to use the prefork MPM; the worker and event MPMs result in incorrect responses returned for requests when multiple requests are made to the server.

For more information on deploying Django applications, see the Django documentation.

Build the application and copy it to the server

$ npm run dist
$ scp dist/*.zip <server>

Unzip the application files

$ ssh <server>
$ unzip -o uf04-backend.zip -d <path/to/python/docroot>
$ unzip -o uf04-frontend.zip -d <path/to/static/files/docroot>
$ chown -R <apache user> <path/to/python/docroot>
$ chown -R <apache user> <path/to/static/files/docroot>

Update Python dependencies

$ cd <path/to/python/docroot>
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Update the database

$ python manage.py syncdb --migrate

You may need to use the --settings option for manage.py if your settings.py is not in PYTHONPATH.

$ bash bin/build_db.sh

You will need to make sure that whatever user you are executing build_db.sh as is recognized by the PostgreSQL database and is the owner of the views being modified by the script.

Finally, you'll need to restart Apache.

Deploying the frontend

The frontend files can be served statically by any webserver. Make sure that the STATIC_URL setting in the backend's settings.py is set to wherever you deploy the static files. ([Read more about static files in Django.][static-files])

[static-files]: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/howto/static-files/)

Gulp tasks

The default task runs clean, fonts, browserify, and styles so that if you simply execute

$ gulp

from the command line it will build the entire frontend for development.


Compile the SASS, pack the JavaScript, and copy both, along with any fonts into static/.


Delete the build/, dist/, and static/ directories.


Build the backend and frontend zip files. (Executes dist-py and dist-ui.)


Create dist/uf04-backend.zip which contains requirements.txt and all of the Python and SQL files.


Execute collectstatic and then zip up all of the files contained in build/. The zip file is dist/uf04-frontend.zip.


Start a livereload server and watch SASS and JavaScript files for changes. Run gulp styles whenever SASS changes, and gulp browserify whenever JavaScript changes.