
Vanilla Ruby development template for Gitpod

Primary LanguageRubyThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Vanilla Ruby/PostgreSQL development template for Gitpod.

Instructions for setting up a react_on_rails project has been provided below.

Manually create a new Rails project using react_on_rails

If you would like the rails README.md to be generated then rename this file before getting started: mv README.md STARTER_README.md

This starter project is geared toward setting up new project with rails and react using react_on_rails. Follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new rails application in the project root. The application name will be the name of your repository. Run this command only from the project root:
    • rails new . --database=postgresql --skip-bundle --skip-gemfile --skip --skip-webpack-install
  2. Run the react_on_rails generator, add the --redux flag if you want redux scaffolding installed:
    • rails generate react_on_rails:install --ignore-warnings
  3. Run: rails webpacker:install
  4. Run: rails webpacker:install:react
  5. Bypass (for development) rails 6 blocked host functionality:
  • Open config/environments/development.rb and near the top of the file but inside the Rails.application.configure do block add these two lines:
    • # Clear whitelist: Disable rails 6 Blocked Host functionality
    • config.hosts.clear
  1. Remove the 'loose' warning for plugin-proposal-private-methods
    • In babel.config.js add the following line to the plugins array:
    • ["@babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods", { "loose": true }],
  2. Create the project database. Run:
    • rake db:create

Keep your config/master.key safe

To access rails custom encoded credentials, keep the key found in config/master.key in a safe place such as a password encryption system since this file is in the .gitignore and will be lost forever whenever a new workspace is created. Without the original master.key you will loose any secret keys that you have encrypted via the bin/rails credentials:edit command in config/credentials.yml.enc

Run the development server

You can now development start the server with rails -s which will compile all assets every time there is a change or start the server with foreman which will compile only the changed assets and adds the option to use HMR (hot module reloading) by running: foreman start -f Procfile.dev-hmr

The hello_world example can be found at the route hello_world