
Parrallel pipeline for HPC (Slurm scheduler) for the QC, taxonomic annotation and functional profiling of WGS metagenomes

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Parrallel pipeline for HPC (Slurm scheduler) for the QC, taxonomic annotation and functional profiling of WGS metagenomes


This pipeline uses the following tools:

  • bowtie2 version 2.5.1
  • trim_galore version 0.6.10
  • Kraken2 version 2.1.3
  • Bracken version 2.8
  • Humann3 version 3.0.1

Installation and database download

Use the script in config/installation to install the required tools and download the necessary databases.

Run the script

Edit the config.sh file with the following parameters:

  • TYKKY_QC="/path/to/bin:$PATH"
  • TYKKY_KRAKEN="/path/to/bin:$PATH"
  • IN_LIST="/path/to/list.txt"
  • IN_DIR="/path/to/input/directory"
  • OUT_DIR="/path/to/output/directory"
  • HUM_DB="/path/to/humangenome/GRCh38_noalt_as"
  • DBNAME="/path/to/database/k2_Humgut"
  • HU3_DB="/path/to/database/Humann3"
  • MET_DB="/path/to/database/Metaphlan"

Provide the list of samples to process in the IN_LIST parameter.

Run the submission scripts:

./1_run_QC.sh # submit QC and human filtering jobs as an array
./2_Run_Kraken.sh # submit Kraken2 and Bracken profiling jobs as an array
./3_Run_Humann3.sh # submit Humann3 profiling jobs as an array