
Virus community assembly tool for HPC with SLURM scheduler

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT




Virus Community Assembly Tool

A tool that assembles and characterizes virus communities from target enrichment high-throughput sequncing (TE-HTS) data within and between samples. To be used on an HPC with slurm scheduler.

Work Flow


Directory Structure




Before ViCAT can be run, a database needs to be created for blast. The instructions and a code for building custom databases are included in CWD/blastdb. This only needs to be done any time a different database is required to run.


Anaconda environment yaml


ViCAT.yml is included in the home directory. If this is the installation, do not change the lines in the config.sh file that include the paths to the tools.

To install an environment containing all of the tools: conda env create -f ViCAT.yml


Create an Anaconda environment and download all of the tools with conda or pip. If this is the installation, do not change the lines in the config.sh file that include the paths to the tools.

conda create -n ViCAT python=3.7

conda activate ViCAT

pip install [packages] OR conda install -c bioconda [tool]

Manual installion of tools

If tools are not installed on your HPC download the tools and install. Change the paths to the tools in config.sh to include the full path of the newly installed tools.

- Example: `SPADES="path/to/spades"`


Example data to generate all of the figures for a simulated viral mock community that has differential relative abundance in response to host background have been included in CWD/test_data/. Simulated host resistance was based on the assumption that viruses for which a host is resistant will have a lower relative abundance of reads mapped.

  1. Navigate to CWD/test_data/sim_resist/mock_reads/ to look at the simulated illumina data. Create a profile.txt that includes the sample name only, excluding the suffixes for the illumina read pairs. One is already provided with the appropriate sample names in CWD/
  2. There are two scripts that must be edited to match the suffix of the files to include for the illumina read pair information. This will be different for each run of ViCAT.
    • CWD/scripts/run_spades.sh must be changed at lines 19 and 20 to match he suffix of the reads. _R1.fastq and _R2.fastq for each respective variable.
    • CWD/scripts/run_bowtie2.sh must be changed at lines 18 and 19 to match the suffix of the reads. _R1.fastq and _R2.fastq for each respective variable.
  3. Navigate back to the CWD/ and edit the config.sh file to include the path to the raw data: CWD/test_data/sim_resist/mock_reads/. Also edit the path to the profile.txt file: CWD/profile.txt, and the path to the blast database.
  4. The paths to tools should not need to be edited, if the ViCAT.yml was used to install the dependencies. If not, change the pahts to the tools.
  5. OPTIONAL but suggested: edit the CWD/scripts/run_covgraph.sh line 53-60 to remove portions of the sample name which may be uninformative and cause difficulties in reading coverage graph titles in the output files. The file can be found in CWD/scripts.
    • The $samp_pref variable should be changed to exclude uniformative information in the file name to only include the unique identifiers of the samples. This will allow for easier readability in the coverage graph titles. For this set, "begomovirus" is common to all of the samples so it should be removed at line 53.
    • The $samp_suff variable should be changed in a similar manner at line 54.
  6. Run the run.sh file: ./run.sh.
  7. Once the run has finished, look in the CWD/OUT_DIR/relative_abundance/ directory for output files to copy to CWD/Community_Assembly/.
  8. Change the metadata.csv file to include information about plant host resistance. The relavant data is found in CWD/Community_Assembly/plant_genotype.csv. It is worth noting that the order of the plant IDs may be different in the metadata.csv file than the a priori plant_genotype.csv file.
  9. Run Phyloseq_Community_Characterization.R on terminal, or in R-Studio.
  10. Files and graphs will be generated in the CWD/Community_Assembly/ directory.
  11. Ordination plots should discriminate plant samples by genotype of plant if run correctly.


  • Lines of code that can be changed are identified by obvious comment boxes in the respective scripts.*
  1. Edit the config.sh file in the home directory to include paths to:

    • RAW: the path to the raw data for the run.
    • OUT_DIR: the path to the desired location for the outputs of the tool. This will be re-written each time the tool is used, so be careful to backup the results of previous runs.
    • BLASTDB: the location of the blast database to use.
    • BLAST1line: 1 line fasta to use for building reference index in bowtie2 mapping.
    • PROFILE: the path to the file that inlcudes the sample names as they relate to the filenames. An example profile is located in the home directory.
    • [TOOLS]: any paths to tools that were not installed via Anaconda.
    • [USER_INFO]: information for the HPC scheduler.
  2. Edit the run_spades.sh lines 19 and 20 to set the file suffixes. The file can be found in CWD/scripts.



  3. Edit the run_bowtie2.sh lines 18 and 19 to set the file suffixes. The file can be found in CWD/scripts.

  4. OPTIONAL but suggested: edit the run_covgraph.sh lines 53-54 to remove portions of the sample name which may be uninformative and cause difficulties in reading coverage graph titles in the output files. The file can be found in CWD/scripts.

  5. OPTIONAL: edit the run_blastn.sh file on line 32 to change blast options.

  6. OPTIONAL: edit the run_write_files.sh file on lines 25 and 42 to change filtering criteria for output files from Step 3. The file can be found in CWD/scripts. The file can be found in CWD/scripts.

  7. OPTIONAL: edit the run_cdhit.sh file on line 20 to change percent similarity of blast hits for clustering. The file can be found in CWD/scripts.

To run the tool, go to the tools directory and execute the run.sh file.


Coverage Graphs

Coverage graphs for each sample can be found in CWD/OUT_DIR/all_cov_graphs or in the sample directory.

Virus Contigs

Virus contigs can be found in CWD/OUT_DIR/virus_contigs and a table for contig number, length, and coverage can be found here too.

Figure Generation

  1. Once the tool has completed, output files for generating community assembly figures can be found in CWD/OUT_DIR/relative_abundance/.
    • ViCAT_otutable.csv: reads mapped to each taxa within each sample, for each sample.
    • taxmat.csv: Taxonomic matrix of identified species found in all samples, redundancy removed.
    • metadata.csv: Metadata matrix of sample information for the run. THIS MUST BE EDITED WITH THE METADATA
  2. Copy the files to the CWD/Community_Assembly/ directory.
  3. If you have not already edited the metadata file, do so now.
  4. Install the R packages found in Phyloseq_Community_Characterization.R, if you have not already installed them.
  5. Change lines 201-205 of Phyloseq_Community_Characterization.R to the desired fields.
  6. Run code as a block, or in R-Studio (v.2022.07.01 or higher).
  7. Output files should be generated in CWD/OUT_DIR/relative_abundance/

Explanation of files for usage

  • run.sh contains the instructions for the workflow and builds the directory structure shown above.
  • config.sh includes the variables for the paths to the raw data, desired output directory location, and profile.txt, which all must be changed for each run. Also includes variables for paths to tools and information for job scheduling using SLURM. Paths to tools only need to be set after initial instalations.
  • profile.txt contains the information for the samples as they are labeled by the reads. An example for the test data is included in CWD.
  • scripts/[scripts.sh] Directory with all of the instructions for running each individual step shown in the workflow. See Usage for options on what to change.
    • run_spades.sh: Instructions for SPAdes de novo assembly of reads. Filters assembled contigs by k-mer coverage and length and copies the filtered contigs to OUT_DIR/all_spades.
    • run_blastn.sh: Instructions for BLAST used for taxonomic assignment. Writes BLAST files and copies to OUT_DIR/all_blast
    • run_collect_contigs_accessions.sh: Writes contig names that have BLAST hits to a file. Writes accession numbers of BLAST hits to file and then collects RefSeq fasta file for use in building bowtie2 index for read mapping. List of contigs and accessions found in OUT_DIR/Sample(n)/blast. RefSeq fasta file found in OUT_DIR/Sample(n)/blast_ref_fasta.
    • run_gather_contigs: Gathers contigs that have BLAST hits to deposit in OUT_DIR/virus_contigs folder.
      • gather_contigs.py: python code to execute above task.
    • run_cdhit: Removes redundancy of fasta file of virus RefSeq accessions for use in building bowtie2 index. Clustering output and non-redundant fasta files are found in OUT_DIR/Sample(n)/blast_ref_fasta.
    • run_bowtie2buildnmap.sh:This file makes a bowtie2 index and places it in OUT_DIR/Sample(n)/blast_ref_fasta/bowtie2index. The QC reads from the first step of the workflow are then used to map against this reference alignment files can be found in OUT_DIR/Sample(n)/bowtie2/alignment. Each sample can have a different index, as the BLAST results indicate the taxonomic assignments used for building the bowtie2 index. This code also converts the [alignment].sam to an [alignment].sorted.bam, removes the [alignment].sam and intermediate [alignment].bam files, and extracts the consensus sequences in the sample which is deposited in OUT_DIR/Sample(n)/bowtie2/consensus. Copies consensus fastq files to OUT_DIR/all_consensus.
    • run_split: Splits the [alignment].sorted.bam into seperate files based on the RefSeq accession number. Calls the statistics on each split [alignment].sorted.bam and writes a hit table of total reads mapped to the respective RefSeq. Statistics and hit tables are found in OUT_DIR/Sample(n)/bowtie2/alignment/stats. Writes each viral taxa with reads mapped from each sample to a combined hit table of all samples in the run which is located in OUT_DIR/relative_abundance, labeled combined_readscount.tsv.
    • run_covgraph_for.sh: Numbers reads mapped to viral loci for writing to coverage graph and writes files to OUT_DIR/Sample(n)/bowtie2/alignment/coverage. Copies coverage graphs to OUT_DIR/all_cov.
      • cov_for_graph.R: R code to plot coverage of from files written in above step.
    • run_taxmat.sh: Writes the taxanomic matrix of the submitted samples to OUT_DIR/relative_abundance. The file taxmat.tsv is a tab separated matrix containing the GenBank RefSeq accession number and sequence description, and is in the format used by Phyloseq in downstream community analysis.
    • run_metadata.sh: This converts the combined_readscount.tsv in OUT_DIR/relative_abundance to the format used by Phyloseq in downstream community analysis and writes to the new file ViCAT_otutable.csv. Using the ViCAT_otutable.csv, a metadata template file metadata.csv is written that retains the sample order and sample ID of the original samples as well as columns of potentially relevant useful metadata for downstream analysis. These values must be changed according to the sample information. These files are found in OUT_DIR/relative_abundance. This code also writes a descriptive table of the contigs which have blast hits to viral taxa in the OUT_DIR/virus_contigs folder.
    • out/: Directory of all standard outputs from the scripts. This will contain the outputs of the individual tools in the pipelines in directorys that have the names of the jobs in the run.sh file.
    • err/: Directory of all standard errors from the scripts. This will contain the errors of the individual tools in the pipelines in directorys that have the names of the jobs in the run.sh file.

Explanation of directory structure

  • OUT_DIR/all_blast/: Contains the copied blast results for all samples in the run.
  • OUT_DIR/all_consensus/:Contains the extracted consensus sequences for all viral taxa in a sample, for all samples in the run.
  • OUT_DIR/all_cov/: Contains all of the reads mapped to viral RefSeq genomes within a sample, for all samples in the run.
  • OUT_DIR/all_spades/: Contains all of the k-mer and contig length filtered contigs for all samples in the run.
  • OUT_DIR/errors/: Contains the error logs for each sample in the run.
  • OUT_DIR/relative_abundance/: Contains the combined_readscount.tsv, ViCAT_otutable.csv, taxmat.tsv, and metadata.csv files for use in downstream community analysis in Phyloseq R package.
  • OUT_DIR/virus_contigs/: Contains all of the contigs which have blast hits to viral RefSeq accessions. Also contains virus_contig_table.csv.
  • OUT_DIR/[sample(n)]/: Directory for each sample in the run.
    • blast/: Contains the blast results, [sample]_blastn_results.tsv. Also contains intermediate files containing information on unique accessions and unique contigs in the sample for use in building bowtie2 reference indices and depositing virus contigs.
    • blast_ref_fasta/: Contains the RefSeq fasta genomes of the blast hits of the contigs of the sample, [sample]_blasthits.fasta. Also contains the fasta file with similar sequences removed by percent similarity, [sample]_nr_ref.fasta. Other files include the information used for clustering of sequences by similarity.
      • bowtie2index/: Contains the bowtie2 reference index for read mapping.
    • bowtie2/: Directory for files generated from read mapping to the RefSeq bowtie2 index.
      • consensus/: Contains the consensus fastq for the reads mapped to RefSeq bowtie2 index.
      • unused_reads/: Contains the reads not used in the read mapping to the RefSeq bowtie2 index.
      • alignments/: Contains the sorted binary alignment of reads to the reference index, [sample]_vircom_nr_sorted.bam. Also contains the reference split binary alignments for generating statistics and coverage graphs, [sample]_vircom_nr_sorted.REF_NC_######.#.bam.
        • coverage/: Contains coverage statistics of reads mapped to individual bases and combined coverage graphs, [sample]_combined.svg.
        • stats/: Contains statistics for the bowtie2 read mapping and files used in determining reads mapped to individual RefSeq accessions.