
Fed2Tier offers a two-tier federated learning approach, optimizing for eco-friendliness and efficiency. It improves model generalizability by integrating more edge devices and uniquely categorizing clients. The addition of intermediate nodes streamlines communication and reduces carbon emissions, enhancing both privacy and performance.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Fed2Tier: A Two-Tier Federated Learning System Towards Green Computation


Fed2Tier is a novel two-tier federated learning framework aimed at efficient and green computation. It represents an innovative approach to distributed machine learning that emphasizes privacy, scalability, and environmental sustainability. The Fed2Tier framework seeks to enhance model generalizability by involving a greater number of edge devices in the training process.

(a) Vanilla Federated Learning Architecture
(b) Fed2Tier Architecture

Supported devices

Fed2Tier has been extensively tested on and works with the following devices:

  • Intel CPUs
  • Nvidia GPUs
  • Nvidia Jetson
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Intel NUC


$ git clone https://github.com/apoorvakliv/fed2tier.git
$ cd `fed2tier`
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Starting server

python -m fed2tier.server.start_server \
 --algorithm fedavg \
 --nodes 1 \
 --n_rounds 10 \
 --s_rounds 10 \
 --batch_size 10 \
 --dataset MNIST \

Starting Node

python -m fed2tier.node.start_node \
 --device cpu \
 --algorithm scaffold \
 --rounds 10 \
 --epochs 10 \
 --niid 4 \
 --clients 15 \

Arguments to the clients and server


Argument Description Default
--algorithm Algorithm to be used for aggregation by server fedavg
--nodes Number of nodes to be used 1
--s_rounds Number of communication rounds to be executed by server 10
--n_rounds Maximum number of communication rounds to be executed by nodes 10
--batch_size Batch size to be used 10
--dataset Dataset to be used MNIST
--net Network to be used LeNet
--accept_conn determines if connections accepted after FL begins 1
--model_path specifies initial server model path initial_model.pt
--resize_size specifies dataset resize dimension 32
--threshold specifies accuracy threshold for early stopping at each node 0.8


Argument Description Default
--device Device to run the client on cpu
--wait_time Time to wait before sending the next request 5
--clients Number of clients to run 10
--niid niid or iid 1
--algorithm Algorithm to run fedavg
--epochs Number of epochs 5
--mu mu hyperparameter for fedprox 0.1
--rounds Number of communication rounds 20
--carbon If 1, track carbon emission of the node 0


Files architecture of Fed2Tier. These contents may be helpful for users to understand our repo.

├── fed2tier
│   ├── node
│   │   ├── src
│   │   |   ├── algorithms
│   │   |   ├── creae_datasets
│   |   |   ├── node_lib
│   |   |   ├── node
│   |   |   ├── ClientConnection_pb2_grpc
│   |   |   ├── ClientConnection_pb2
│   |   |   ├── data_utils
│   |   |   ├── distribution
│   |   |   ├── get_data
│   |   |   ├── net_lib
│   |   |   ├── net
│   │   └── start_node
│   └── server
│       ├── src
│       |   ├── algorithms
│       |   ├── server_evaluate
│       |   ├── client_connection_servicer
│       |   ├── client_manager
│       |   ├── client_wrapper
│       |   ├── ClientConnection_pb2_grpc
│       |   ├── ClientConnection_pb2
│       |   ├── server_lib
│       |   ├── server
│       |   ├── verification
│       └── start_server
└── unittest
    ├── misc
    ├── test_server_algorithms
    ├── test_node_algorithms
    ├── test_datasets
    ├── test_models
    └── test_scalability

Running tests

Various unittests are available in the unittest directory. To run any tests, run the following command from the root directory:

cd unittest
python test_server_algorithms.py
python test_node_algorithms.py
python test_models.py
python test_datasets.py
python test_scalability.py

Federated Learning Algorithms

Following federated learning algorithms are implemented in this framework:

Algorithm Paper Server Node
FedAvg Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data
FedDyn Federated Learning Based on Dynamic Regularization
Scaffold SCAFFOLD: Stochastic Controlled Averaging for Federated Learning
FedAdagrad Adaptive Federated Optimization
FedAdam Adaptive Federated Optimization
FedYogi Adaptive Federated Optimization
FedProx FedProx: Federated Learning with Proximity

Experiments Overview

In the experiments tagged as Exp-1, Exp-2, and Exp-3 , we utilized the aggregation methods: FedAvg, SCAFFOLD, and FedProx . These were set within the standard FL framework. We incorporated client groups consisting of 20, 40, and 60 members and designated ( v ) as 50. Throughout these experiments:

  • 50% of our clients operated with a β value of 1 (i.i.d.)
  • The remaining clients operated with β=4 (non-i.i.d)

To understand the performance of Fed2Tier, we initiated it with ( K=2 ). Within this configuration:

  • One IN utilized a β=1 (i.i.d.) data pattern and adopted the FedAvg aggregation technique.
  • A separate node, operating under β=4 (non-i.i.d.), chose either the SCAFFOLD (observed in Exp-4) or the FedProx (for Exp-5) aggregation methodology.

The GS applied FedAvg for merging models received from the IN. These trials were executed with client numbers being 20, 40, and 60, evenly spread out across the IN.

Benchmark of the proposed system with baselines

The following tables provide comparative analysis in terms of total time taken, carbon emitted, and accuracy between vanilla FL and Fed2Tier.

Time (Min)

No. of client Vanilla - Exp-1 Vanilla - Exp-2 Vanilla - Exp-3 Proposed - Exp-4 Proposed - Exp-5
20 252.94 260.55 304.62 206.97 225.2
40 274.34 281.38 337.95 222.35 250.1
60 294.98 300.41 351.63 241.98 260.8

Carbon Emission (Kg)

No. of client Vanilla - Exp-1 Vanilla - Exp-2 Vanilla - Exp-3 Proposed - Exp-4 Proposed - Exp-5
20 508 539.5 599 421.9 444.9
40 565.5 588.5 686 460.9 522.9
60 556.5 598.5 706.5 486.6 510.9

Accuracy (%)

No. of client Vanilla - Exp-1 Vanilla - Exp-2 Vanilla - Exp-3 Proposed - Exp-4 Proposed - Exp-5
20 98.53 93.45 98.68 99.03 98.96
40 97.97 92.44 98.17 98.92 98.94
60 98.17 89.86 97.92 98.85 98.89

Accuracy plots with (a) 20 clients, (b) 40 clients, and (c) 60 clients for Exp 1-5

Image Image Image

Loss plots with (a) 20 clients, (b) 40 clients, and (c) 60 clients for Exp 1-5

Image Image Image

Datasets & Data Partition

In real-world applications, Federated Learning (FL) must manage a multitude of data distribution situations, encompassing both iid and non-iid contexts. While there are established datasets and partition strategies for benchmark data, arranging datasets tailored to specific research challenges can be intricate. Furthermore, maintaining the results of these partitions during simulations can be challenging for researchers.

Data Partition

We provide multiple Non-IID data partition schemes. Look into docs for more details.

Datasets Supported

Dataset Training samples Test samples Classes
MNIST 60,000 10,000 10
FashionMnist 60,000 10,000 10
CIFAR-10 50,000 10,000 10
CIFAR-100 50,000 10,000 100

Models Supported

Fed2Tier has support for the following Deep Learning models, which are loaded from torchvision.models:

  • LeNet-5
  • ResNet-18
  • ResNet-50
  • VGG-16
  • AlexNet

Carbon emission tracking

In Fed2Tier CodeCarbon package is used to estimate the carbon emissions generated by clients during training. CodeCarbon is a Python package that provides an estimation of the carbon emissions associated with software code.


For technical issues related to Fed2Tier development, please contact our development team through Github issues or email:

Principal Investigator

Dr Debdoot Sheet
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
email: debdoot@ee.iitkgp.ac.in


Anupam Borthakur
Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence,
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
email: anupamborthakur@kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in
Github username: anupam-kliv

Apoorva Srivastava
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
email: apoorva.srivastava.23@iitkgp.ac.in
Github username: apoorvasrivastava23

Aditya Kasliwal
Manipal Institute of Technology
email: kasliwaladitya17@gmail.com
Github username: Kasliwal17