Gauge with Selenium Grid
This is a sample Gauge project that uses Selenium as the driver to interact with a web browser. It uses Selenium Grid to run tests on multiple browsers. This can also be used to run tests remotely, in different browsers, different platforms or even different versions of browsers.
This example requires the following softwares to run.
- Java 1.7 or above
- Gauge
- Gauge Java plugin
- can be installed using
gauge --install java
- can be installed using
- Firefox(>= v46)/Chromedriver in PATH
Setting the Selenium Grid
- Download the latest version of Selenium Server here. Or, you can use the selenium server jar v2.53.1 present in
directory of this repository.
To set up the Hub, run
java -jar <path_to_selenium_server_jar> -role hub
This uses port 4444 by default for its web interface.
To set up a node, run
java -jar <path_to_selenium_server_jar> -role webdriver -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register/ -port 5566
You can use the free port of choice.
To check web console, go to http://localhost:4444/grid/console
If you are running hub and nodes in different machines, localhost
should be replaced with IP address of hub. This should also be updated in project_dir/env/
Run specs
- Clone repository and run
mvn test
This runs the sample specs using the firefox driver by default. To run tests in Chrome browser, pass the"<path_to_chrome_driver>"
flag to selenium node.
Then run specs using mvn test -Denv="chrome"
To use a different browser, set the environment property BROWSER
in project_dir/env/
BROWSER = chrome