Frame is a lightweight MVC routing framework for PHP. It's easy to get started, requires almost zero configuration, and can run within existing projects without a major rewrite.
In composer.json:
"require": {
"shaggy8871/frame": "dev-master"
Then run:
composer install
Grab the sample FRAME application
Example index.php file
include_once "../vendor/autoload.php";
* Format:
* 'domain' => ['Project name', '/path/to/project/files', debugMode]
$projects = [
$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] => ['Myapp', '../src', true],
$app = new Frame\Core\Init($projects);
// Start 'em up
namespace Myapp\Controllers;
use Frame\Core\Controller;
use Frame\Core\Url;
use Frame\Request\Get;
use Frame\Response\Twig;
class Index extends Controller
* Add your controller-specific route lookups here if required
public function routeResolver(Url $url)
* This is the home page
public function routeDefault(Get $request, Twig $response)
return [
'title' => 'Welcome to Frame',
'content' => 'You\'re on the home page. You can customize this view in <Yourapp>/Views/Index/default.html.twig and <Yourapp>/Views/base.html.twig.'
* This is an example about us page
public function routeAbout(Get $request, Twig $response)
return [
'title' => 'About Us',
'content' => 'You can customize this page in <Yourapp>/Views/Index/about.html.twig.'
(More detailed docs coming soon...)