
e-lekcije - i-nastava YouTube channel aggregator

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Description / Opis


e-lekcije is a web application aimed at facilitating navigation through numerous video lessons published on the YouTube channel "i-nastava". During the period between 2020 and 2022, the coronavirus pandemic required that teaching in Croatia be conducted remotely in some critical periods. The first video lessons with the purpose of distance learning were created as part of the curriculum reform project "Škola za život" in the school year 2019/2020. These video lessons were published on YouTube under the same name channel. For the school year 2020/2021, the competent Ministry started the project "i-nastava" under the same channel for subject teaching in primary and secondary schools (grammar school program), while the primary school program was published on the channel "Škola na Trećem". The video lessons received another iteration for the school year 2021/2022. This aggregator currently includes video lessons from the "i-nastava" channel for the school year 2020/2021 (subject cards that are not marked with the school year) and the school year 2021/2022. All video materials in this web application are produced by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia.

This is a demo app to showcase my current coding skills.


e-lekcije je web aplikacija kojoj je namjera lakše snalaženje s mnogobrojnim video lekcijama objavljenim na YouTube kanalu "i-nastava". U razdoblju između 2020. i 2022. tijek pandemije koronavirusa je zahtijevao da se nastava u RH u nekim kritičnim razdobljima odvija na daljinu. Prve video lekcije sa svrhom nastave na daljinu nastale su u sklopu projekta kurikularne reforme "Škola za život" u šk. god. 2019./2020. Ove video lekcije objavljene su na YouTube-u pod istoimenim kanalom. Za šk. god. 2020./2021. nadležno Ministarstvo započinje projekt "i-nastava" pod istoimenim kanalom za predmetnu nastavu osnovne škole i srednju školu (gimnazijski program), dok je program razredne nastave objavljivan na kanalu "Škola na Trećem". Video lekcije dobile su još jednu iteraciju za šk. god. 2021./2022. Ovaj agregator za sada obuhvaća video lekcije kanala "i-nastava" za šk. god. 2020./2021. (kartice predmeta koje nisu označene školskom godinom) i šk. god. 2021./2022. Sav video materijal u ovoj web aplikaciji je produciran od strane Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske.

Ovo je demo aplikacija koja pokazuje moje trenutne vještine kodiranja.

Tech Stack

Client: React, Redux, Styled Components

Server: Vite, Node, Express

Database: MongoDB

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file



Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/aposhtol/e-lekcije

Go to the project directory

  cd e-lekcije

Install dependencies

  npm install

Build static site

  npm run build

Start the server

  npm start


App Screenshot