
Project about planes landing and taking off from aiports using OOP and BDD

Primary LanguageRuby


Makers Academy Week 3 - Test

This test was set by Enrique Comba Riepenhausen @ecomba and Alex Peattie @alexpeattie whilst learning to code at Makers Academy. The aim was to build an object oriented model of airports and planes in Ruby.

Class Weather

Responsibilities Collaborators
can be sunny or stormy Airport
can switch state at random

Class Plane

Responsibilities Collaborators
can land at an Airport, if clear to land Airport
can take off from an Airport, if clear to take off

Class Airport

Responsibilities Collaborators
has a maximum capacity of Planes Plane
has a collection of Planes Weather
has its own Weather
can be clear for take offs and landings


How to use

clone git@github.com:apostoiis/airport-planes.git
cd airport-planes