
Scrapes all the data of followers of any instagram account

Primary LanguagePython

Instagram Follower Scraper

Scrapes all the followers from instagram pages and stores them in a csv file

The scraper uses the awesome library Instaloader to get data from instagram. This doesn't use the instagram API because it is slow and has other limitations. Please don't run multiples instances of this scraper at same time from same device.


OS X & Linux:

Open terminal

  1. git clone https://github.com/nOOBIE-nOOBIE/Instagram-Follower-Scraper
  2. cd Instagram-Follower-Scraper/
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt


Download python here

  1. Download [https://github.com/nOOBIE-nOOBIE/Instagram-Follower-Scraper/archive/master.zip](https://github.com/nOOBIE-nOOBIE/Instagram-Follower-Scraper/archive/master.zip)
  2. Extract to a folder
  3. Open cmd and navigate to the folder you just put the extractor on.
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt

Usage example

put the list of accounts to scrape in input.txt

python instabot.py

if you are running on a server than.

nohup python instabot.py &

Use this to view the logs

tail -f nohup.out

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