I2 is a set of features built for Keycloak:
- Builds a Keycloak image embedding SmartB’s default theme.
- Adds an overlay to Keycloak base SDK.
- Initiates a Keycloak instance I2-init
- Configurates a Keycloak instance I2-config
- Allows to interact with a Keycloak instance IM
- Contains a Spring Security Config to work properly with authentication issued by Keycloak (only for Spring boot based app)
package provides a default configuration for Spring Security.
Multi tenancy is enabled by default and allows JWT from multiple issuers.
To do so, you have to add in your application.yml
a list of trusted issuers:
uri: https://localhost:8080/auth/realms/test
uri: https://localhost:8080/auth/realms/test2
extends i2-spring-boot-starter-auth
by adding an endpoint
to retrieve Keycloak configuration.
As this endpoint should be used before having a valid JWT, the endpoint does not need any pre-authentication.
Only a name has to be given, in order to retrieve the wanted Keycloak configuration.
Applications importing this package must define the following configuration:
uri: http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/test
authUrl: http://localhost:8080/auth
realm: test
clientId: i2-web
name: test
uri: http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/test2
authUrl: http://localhost:8080/auth
realm: test2
clientId: i2-web
name: test2
I2-init is an application used to initialize a realm on your Keycloak instance.
On this realm, it can create/configure:
- A client with restricted rights (this client will be most likely used by im-gateway)
- An admin user that can manage the realm
- SMTP server
- Roles used by IM
A random password is generated and printed for both client and user admin.
I2-init is designed to be run as a docker container:
version: "3.3"
image: smartbcity/i2-init:${VERSION}
network_mode: host
- i2_keycloak_auth-server-url=${KEYCLOAK_URL}
- i2_keycloak_username=${KEYCLOAK_USERNAME}
- i2_keycloak_password=${KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD}
- i2_init_realm_name=${INIT_REALM}
- i2_init_admin-user_username=${INIT_ADMIN_USERNAME}
- i2_init_admin-user_password=${INIT_ADMIN_PASSWORD}
- i2_init_admin-user_email=${INIT_ADMIN_EMAIL}
- i2_init_admin-user_firstname=${INIT_ADMIN_FIRSTNAME}
- i2_init_admin-user_lastname=${INIT_ADMIN_FIRSTNAME}
- i2.init.admin-client=${INIT_ADMIN_CLIENT-ID}
- i2.init.admin-client-secret=${INIT_ADMIN_CLIENT-SECRET}
and i2.init.admin-client-secret
are optional.
UUID password will be generated if absent
Properties used to authenticate to the Keycloak instance.
Properties prefix: i2.keycloak
Property | Description | Example | Default |
auth-server-url | URL to the Keycloak instance | https://auth.smart-b.io/auth | http://localhost:8080/auth |
realm | The master realm to authenticate to (should always be “master”) | master | master |
username | The username used to authenticate with | admin | admin |
password | The password used to authenticate with | admin | admin |
client-id | The client ID to authenticate to (should always be “admin-cli”) | admin-cli | admin-cli |
Properties used to set names of entities to create.
Property prefix: i2.init
Property | Description | Example | Default |
realm | Name of the realm | development | test |
admin-client | Name of the client | i2-api | i2-api |
Properties used to configure the SMTP server. (Official documentation)
Properties prefix: i2.init.smtp
Property | Description | Example | Default |
host | URL to SMTP server | smtp.gmail.com | me-email |
port | Port of the SMTP server | 587 | 1025 |
from | The address used for the From SMTP-Header for the emails sent | admin@smartb.city | noreply@smartb.city |
ssl | Use SSL encryption. | true | false |
starttls | Use StartTLS encryption | true | false |
auth | Set this switch to ON if your SMTP server requires authentication. When prompted, supply the Username and Password. | true | false |
Properties used to create an admin user.
Properties prefix: i2.init.admin-user
Property | Description | Example | Default |
username | Username of the user | jojo | admin |
Email of the user | jojolasticot@gmail.com | admin@admin.com | |
firstname | Firstname of the user | John | admin |
lastname | Lastname of the user | Deuf | admin |
I2-init creates base roles used by IM, which includes:
- super_admin
- im_read_user
- im_write_user
- im_write_organization
- im_read_organization
- im_read_role
- im_write_role
The super_admin
role is composed with all the others roles.
The user admin is created with the super_admin
I2-config is an application used to create entities on your Keycloak instance.
It allows you to create:
- Clients
- Users
- Roles and composite roles
I2-config is designed to be used as a docker container:
version: "3.3"
image: smartbcity/i2-config:${VERSION}
network_mode: host
- i2_keycloak_auth-server-url=${KEYCLOAK_URL}
- i2_keycloak_realm=${KEYCLOAK_REALM}
- i2_keycloak_client-id=${I2_CLIENT_ID}
- i2_keycloak_client-secret=${I2_CLIENT_SECRET}
- i2_json=/tmp/payload.json
- /path/to/your/payload/payload.json:/tmp/payload.json
Properties used to authenticate to the Keycloak instance.
Properties prefix: i2.keycloak
Property | Description | Example | Default |
auth-server-url | URL to the Keycloak server | https://auth.smart-b.io/auth | http://localhost:8080/auth |
realm | The realm where data will be created | development | test |
client-id | Client ID to authenticate | smartclient | i2-api |
client-secret | Client Secret to authenticate | smartsecret | xxx |
Data created are stored in a json file (pay attention to your mounted volume on the docker-compose file).
* Fields marked with a "*" are MANDATORY.
"webClient"*: {
"clientId"*: "plateform-web",
"webUrl"*: "https://json.com",
"localhostUrl"*: "http://localhost:3000"
"appClient"*: {
"clientId"*: "plateform-app"
"users"*: [
"username": "user1",
"email": "user1@email.com",
"password": "user1user",
"firstname": "user1",
"lastname": "user1",
"role": "admin"
"username": "user2",
"email": "user2@email.com",
"password": "user2user",
"firstname": "user2",
"lastname": "user2",
"role": "admin"
"roles"*: [
"roleComposites"*: {
"admin": ["role1"],
"role1": ["role2", "role3"]
See more here.
- Create a module inside
- Build it with
./gradlew i2-keycloak:keycloak-plugin:shadowJar
- Build the Dockerfile located in
- Enjoy
(steps 2 and 3 can be done automatically with make package-keycloak
client ("xxx-web" + "account") hardcoded claim: event-http-wehbook
= url to send the events to
if local and keycloak is within docker container, use ip address instead of localhost
It is possible to filter the events to send from the keycloak GUI by going to Events > Login Events Settings > Save Events ON > Saved Types
Endpoint example:
class KeycloakEventEndpoint(
private val applicationContext: ApplicationContext
) {
fun keycloakEvent(): F2Consumer<KeycloakHttpEvent> = f2Consumer { event ->
In response to the changes introduced in Keycloak 17,
we have developed two Docker images for Keycloak servlets.
Each image deals with the /auth
context path differently,
allowing you to choose based on your project's needs.
corresponds to the Keycloak 17 default, without the/auth
path. -
adds back the /auth path during the build, catering to setups that still rely on this path.