

Group Members:

Harsh Bhanushali, Greshma Sapra, Surbhi Saroliya

Brief Description:

Even though most college administrative work has been computerized, timetable scheduling is still mostly done manually due to its inherent dificulties. The manual timetable scheduling demands considerable time and efforts. Lecture timetable scheduling is a Constraint satisfaction problem in which we find a solution that satisfies the given set of constraints. A college timetable is a temporal arrangement of a set of lectures and practical's in which all given constraints are satisfied. Creating such timetables manually is complex and time consuming process. Automating this process with computer assisted timetable generator, can save a lot of precious time of administrators who are involved in creating and managing course timetables. Using this system Authority can concentrate on other things rather than wasting their time on preparing Timetable.

To generate such system our college sponsored our project which is built to efficiently generate college time mechanically, reducing the need of manual interference by timetable coordinator. Our system is designed in such a way that there are no slot collisions that provides optimality to the timetable, extra options that's enclosed within the system is that there's no headache of giving abundant input, only basic input like subject, semester, faculty, load, classroom number,lab number, etc, are required in csv format.

Inputs once received by system will be processed further and the given set of constraints provided in proposed system will be applied on it, further it will be validated and the system will check whether all the requirements are fulfilled or not. Once validated, system will generate a review of the timetable which if approved will be stored in the database and will be available with different views of the timetable like class timetable, lab timetable, faculty timetable and master timetable which can be exported as csv file anytime.

Our system can be used by all the educational institutes as we have built it in a generic method, only concern is the input that the system takes.For this, we have provided option of downloading a sample input file which is editable and the same can be uploaded as input after making changes, to the system. Input file cannot be altered as there are set on parameters on which the algorithm runs and these parameters if manipulated will cause system failure. System works on powerful and reliable algorithm Genetic Algorithm.