This is the AWI GRPC plugin for Cisco catalyst SDWAN. This plugin can run independently on your laptop or run within your Kubernetes cluster as part of AWI Operator.
Check out the code and from your CLI pass Catalyst SDWAN auth parameters in command line, or as environment variables.
VMANAGE_USERNAME=<your_username> VMANAGE_PASSWORD=<your_password> make run
Use config.yaml in the root directory for configuration .
Below is the sample configuration in YAML:
controller_connection_retries: 200 # How many times to try before giving up
name: cisco-sdwan. # Controller name
retries_interval: 5s # Retry frequency
secure_connection: false # Set it to false for self signed certificates.
url: https://<<catalyst-sdwan-controller-host-name>>:<port>/ # SDWAN controller URL
vendor: cisco
#hostname: # if empty listen on all available IP addresses
port: 50051 # GRPC port number
controller_connection_retries: 100
db_name: awi.db # Local database port for storing state.
#log_file: awi.log # Log file name
log_level: DEBUG # Log level
retries_interval: 2s
secure_connection: false
#kube_config_file: kubeconfig
To build your image:
make docker-build IMG=<your-repo>/<name>
To push it to your repository:
make docker-push IMG=<your-repo>/<name>
ℹ️ Info: You can also do both steps at once with
make docker-build docker-push IMG=<your-repo>/<name>
The awi-grpc-catalyst-sdwan accepts following files:
- /root/config/config.yaml - the configuration file
- /root/.aws/credentials - the credentials for AWS
- /app/gcp-key/gcp-key.json - the credentials for GCP
- /root/.kube/config - configuration and credentials for k8s cluster
In order tp configure and gain access for different providers for awi-grpc-catalyst-sdwan one need to mount these files while starting container.
To configure VMANAGE Credentials, specify the following environment variables for the container:
Thank you for interest in contributing! Please refer to our contributing guide.
awi-grpc-catalyst-sdwan is released under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE.
awi-grpc-catalyst-sdwan is also made possible thanks to third party open source projects.