
Simple Swift wrapper for accessing a SQLite database in a thread safe manner.

Primary LanguageSwiftThe UnlicenseUnlicense


SwiftPM compatible MIT License language Swift 5.1 platform macOS platform Linux

Simple Swift wrapper for accessing a .sqlite3 database in a thread safe manner.


SQLiteKit is public domain. See UNLICENSE file for details.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Add SQLiteKit to your Swift package by adding the following to your Package.swift file in the dependencies array:

.package(url: "https://github.com/apparata/SQLiteKit.git", from: "<version>")


import Foundation
import SQLiteKit

let databasePath = "/tmp/testdb.sqlite3"

do {
    let dbQueue = try SQLQueue.open(path: databasePath)
    dbQueue.didUpdate = { type, table, rowID in
        print("Did \(type) table \(table ?? "") rowID \(rowID)")
    try dbQueue.runSynchronously { db in
        try db.execute(sql: "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Car (carID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, make TEXT NOT NULL, color TEXT NOT NULL);")

    var insertCar: SQLStatement?
    try dbQueue.runSynchronously { db in
        insertCar = try db.prepare(statement: "INSERT INTO Car (make, color) VALUES (?, ?);")
    dbQueue.transaction { db in
        try insertCar?.resetBindAndStep(values: .text("Ford"), .text("Red"))
        try insertCar?.resetBindAndStep(values: .text("Ferrari"), .text("Green"))
        try insertCar?.resetBindAndStep(values: .text("Volvo"), .text("Blue"))

        return .commit
    RunLoop.main.run(until: Date().addingTimeInterval(2))
} catch {

Declarative Table Query Example

let table = SQLTable("Cars") {
    SQLColumn("brand", String.self).notNull()
    SQLColumn("model", Int.self).notNull()
    SQLColumn("doorCount", Int.self).notNull()
    SQLColumn("weight", Double.self).notNull()
.primaryKey("brand", "model", onConflict: .replace)

let query: SQLQuery = SQLQuery.createTable(table)
