
Generate lsyncd config for autoscale group

Primary LanguagePython


Generate lsyncd config for autoscale group automatically

Currently lsync config files need to be generated on the master and need to contain all slave servers. If slave servers come and go (such as in an autoscale environment) these need to be managed automatically in the lsyncd config file.

This project aims to read autoscale group members from API calls and generate an lsyncd configuration file from this information.

By default this script will have source and destination directories set to /var/www modify main.py to change this

TODO: config files ;)

pyrax throws some warning output to stderr so to execute this script use the following command line

python main.py --as-group=AUTOSCALE_GROUP_ID 2>/dev/null > /etc/lsyncd.conf

This can be added to a cronjob

* * * * * root python /root/lsync-rsautoscale/main.py --as-group=<as-group> --region=HKG 2>/var/log/lsync-autoscale.error_log > /etc/lsyncd.conf; service lsyncd reload


Go to the parent directory of where you want to install to. In this example, /opt/

cd /opt/

Download the zip file

sudo wget https://github.com/boxidau/lsync-rsautoscale/archive/master.zip -O lsync-rsautoscale.zip

Make sure you have the unzip system package

sudo apt-get install unzip

Unzip the utility and adjust the directory name

sudo unzip lsync-rsautoscale.zip
sudo mv lsync-rsautoscale-master lsync-rsautoscale
sudo rm lsync-rsautoscale.zip

Move into the directory

cd lsync-rsautoscale

Install required system packages. In Ubuntu 14.04, you will need:

sudo apt-get -y install python-dev python-pip

sudo  pip install -r requirements.txt

For Ubuntu, create the lsyncd log directory

sudo mkdir /var/log/lsyncd/

Create a file called .cloud_credentials in the home directory


Create a cron job file. In this example, we will call it /etc/cron.d/lsync-rsautoscale

* * * * * root python /opt/lsync-rsautoscale/main.py --as-group=AUTOSCALE_GROUP_ID --region=REGION > /etc/lsyncd/lsyncd.conf.lua 2>/var/log/lsync-autoscale.error_log; service lsyncd reload