
Pluggable modules for mappings, search preview and analytics

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Public pluggable modules for use within appbase.io dashboard, dejavu, and reactive apps.


  1. Setup the submodule:
git submodule init
git submodule sync
git submodule update --recursive --remote
  1. Installation:
yarn add emotion react-emotion antd @appbaseio/reactivesearch react-expand-collapse codesandbox react-element-to-jsx-string appbase-js react-ace brace recharts moment lodash reselect redux-thunk react-joyride
yarn add -D babel-plugin-emotion babel-plugin-import

Add babel-plugin-import:

// .babelrc or babel-loader option
	"plugins": [
			{ "libraryName": "antd", "libraryDirectory": "es", "style": "css" }

You will need to setup css-loader in your webpack config for react-select

  1. Setup redux
import {
 createStore, combineReducers,
} from 'redux';

// import your root reducer (optional)
import rootReducer from '../reducers';

// import batteries reducers
import batteriesReducers from 'batteries/modules/reducers';

// use it for creating the store:
createStore(combineReducers({ ...rootReducer, ...batteriesReducers })),
  1. Import:
  • Desired actions from batteries/modules/actions
  • Selectors from batteries/modules/selectors

and connect your component to the redux store powered by batteries.



Use this component to provide the basic data to batteries components. By default it executes the following tasks.

  • Sets the app name & app id in redux store.
  • Fetches the basic app information
  • Fetches the app plan


Prop Required Type Default Value Description
appName yes string - Name of the app.
appId no string - App id
shouldFetchAppPlan no boolean true To define that whether the component should fetch app plan or not
shouldFetchAppInfo no boolean true To define that whether the component should fetch app information or not
component no function - Render prop function


import Analytics from 'batteries/components/Analytics'
<BaseContainer appName="movies-xyz">


Use this component to display the SearchPreview component.


Prop Required Type Default Value Description
appName yes string - Name of the app.
appId no string - App id
isDashboard no boolean false Prefrences handling and profile view
useCategorySearch no boolean false If true renders CategorySearch else DataSearch
showCodeSandbox no boolean true If false hides Open in CodeSandbox button
customProps no object {} To pass props directly to Reactive Components like ReactiveList, MultiList, CategorySearch, DataSearch
attribution no object - Pass text and link key in object to be displayed at bottom right in codesandbox


import SearchSandbox from 'batteries/components/SearchSandbox';
import Editor from 'batteries/components/SearchSandbox/containers/Editor';
		text: 'Powered by Appbase',
		link: 'appbase.io'
		ReactiveList: {
			onData: res => (
				<div style={{ background: 'aqua' }}>{JSON.stringify(res)}</div>
			style: { background: 'red' },
		DataSearch: {
			renderSuggestions: res => (
				<div style={{ background: 'yellow' }}>{JSON.stringify(res)}</div>
	<Editor />