
Singular Test Framework for Titanium Mobile SDK

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A singular test framework that merged both https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium-mobile-mocha-suite and https://github.com/appcelerator/appium-tests.

If this is your first time using Appium with Titanium stack, it is recommended to follow this repo first: https://github.com/appcelerator/qe-appium. This repo will guide you in installing Appium on your machine and it has examples of using Appium with Titanium.



  1. Minimum node version 4.X.
  2. Minimum NPM version 3.X.
  3. GA Appc CLI Core should be installed on your machine and logged in.

Note: Appc CLI NPM is a node dependency for this framework. 4. Genymotion emulator installed to default location; the Appium tests depend on it.


  1. Run npm install.
  2. Install appium-doctor: [sudo] npm install -g appium-doctor.
  3. Run appium-doctor and fix any issues that may come up.


Flag Usage

Run node test.js --help to see a list of available flags.


    -h, --help                             output usage information
    -V, --version                          output the version number
    -b, --branch [branchName]              Install a specific branch of the SDK to test with. Defaults to 'master'.
    -u, --sdk-url <url>                    Install the specified SDK URL.
    -z, --sdk-zip <pathToZip>              Install the specified SDK zip.
    -p, --platforms <platform1,platform2>  Run unit tests on the given platforms. Defaults to 'android,ios'.

If you run node test.js (no flags), then the framework will check for new Titanium SDK against master branch and run all tests on both Android and iOS platform in that order.

Unit Tests

The Titanium unit tests lives in the unit_tests directory and uses the ti-mocha.js module to run the test suites.

This part is a port of https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium-mobile-mocha-suite, but with some differences:

  • In titanium-mobile-mocha-suite, the unit tests (any ti.*.test.js file) lived here: https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium-mobile-mocha-suite/tree/master/Resources. The unit tests in this framework live in the ./unit_tests directory and will be copied over to ./lib/unit_test/mocha; a Titanium classic app created at runtime.
  • ./lib/unit_test/mocha will contain utilities/assertions.js and utilities/utilities.js in the Resources directory. Hence, the unit tests will contain these modules at the top:
var should = require('./utilities/assertions'),
    utilities = require('./utilities/utilities');

Appium Tests

The Appium tests (UI verification) lives in the appium_tests directory.

This part is a port of https://github.com/appcelerator/appium-tests. https://github.com/appcelerator/appium-tests#2-test_configjs and https://github.com/appcelerator/appium-tests#3-mocha-files still applies to this framework. However, take note when creating the test app in appium_tests. You can create either a Titanium classic app or Alloy app:

Titanium classic app:

  • At a minimum, the Titanium classic app needs Resources/app.js and tiapp.xml.
|--- suite_name/
     |--- ti_classic_app/
          |--- Resources/
               |--- app.js
          |--- tiapp.xml
     |--- platform.js
     |--- platform2.js

Alloy app:

  • At a minimum, the Alloy app needs app/controllers/index.js and tiapp.xml.
|--- suite_name/
     |--- alloy_app/
          |--- app/
               |--- controllers
                    |--- index.js
          |--- tiapp.xml
     |--- platform.js
     |--- platform2.js
  • You do not need to worry about the default assets for the Titanium classic and Alloy app. They are stored separately in ./lib/appium_test/classic_app and ./lib/appium_test/alloy_app respectively.
  • The test apps' behavior mimic a regular Titanium classic or Alloy app. For example, if the classic test app needs more images for testing, it's okay to create a Resources/assets/images/ folder in the test app and add the images into that folder.
  • If you want to replace the default assets with your own content, use the same default directory structure and file name in the test app.
  • The tiapp.xml should be treated like how you would normally treat a tiapp.xml in a Titanium classic or Alloy app.
  • No cloud services should be enabled for the test apps.

Technical Notes

  • Entry point file is test.js and all supporting files live in lib directory.

  • Unit tests run first before running the Appium tests.

  • Unit test flow require('./lib/unit_test/helper.js').test():

    1. In parallel:

      a. Install and set as default the new Titanium SDK, if available.

      b. Delete mocha test app, if available.

    2. Record the path to the installed Titanium SDK. Will be used for SDK cleanup.

    3. Create a Titanium classic project (called mocha) with appc new.

    4. Copy files from lib/unit_test/app into mocha/Resources directory.

      a. During this phase, the unit tests in unit_tests directory will be copied into mocha/Resources

    5. Add specific properties into mocha/tiapp.xml.

    6. Run (using appc run) mocha app, i.e. unit tests, against specified platforms.

    7. Write results to JUnit XML files at the root level of this framework.

    8. Delete all non-GA and non-selected Titanium SDKs.

  • Appium flow require('./lib/appium_test/helper.js').test():

    1. Launch Appium server on local machine.

    2. Create a data structure that contains information about the target mocha file, target test app, and desired Appium capabilities.

    3. While looping through the previous data structure and do the following:

      a. Using the above data structure, create a temporary mobile app (lib/appium_test/temp) that combines both the base app (alloy_app or classic_app) and target test app.

      b. Build (with appc CLI) temp app with selected Titanium SDK.

      c. Launch designated Genymotion emulator if testing against Android platform. If testing against iOS platform, designated simulator will be launched in next step by Appium.

      d. If testing for Android platform, connect Genymotion emulator to Appium server and install test app to the emulator. If testing for iOS platform, Appium will launch the designated iOS simulator, connect it to the server, and install the test app.

      e. Run the mocha test suite on the simulator/emulator and print out results to console.

      f. Once testing is complete, disconnect the simulator/emulator from Appium server. Depending on the desiredCapabilities, iOS simulators can be left running or killed.

      g. If Genymotion emulator is still running, gracefully kill the process.

      h. Delete lib/appium_test/temp.


If you plan to add new tests, update existing tests, or make changes to the framework, run npm run check. This will run eslint which will enforce the coding style (see .eslintrc.js file) for this project.

Here are some useful links from ESLint: