Appcircle Xcode Build For Testing

This step builds your application for testing.

Required Input Variables

  • $AC_SCHEME: Specifies the project scheme for build.
  • $AC_PROJECT_PATH: Specifies the project path. For example : ./appcircle.xcodeproj.
  • $AC_COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE: You can disable the indexing during the build for faster build.
  • $AC_DESTINATION: Xcodebuild destination flag. Default : "generic/platform=iOS"

Optional Input Variables

  • $AC_REPOSITORY_DIR: Specifies the cloned repository directory.
  • $AC_ARCHIVE_FLAGS: Specifies the extra xcodebuild flag. For example : -configuration DEBUG
  • $AC_CONFIGURATION_NAME: The configuration to use. You can overwrite it with this option.

Output Variables

  • $AC_TEST_APP_PATH: Test app path.
  • $AC_UITESTS_RUNNER_PATH: UI Tests Runner path.
  • $AC_XCTEST_PATH: XCTest path.
  • $AC_UITESTS_RUNNER_ZIP_PATH: UI Tests Runner Zip path.
  • $AC_XCTEST_ZIP_PATH: XCTest Zip path.
  • $AC_TEST_IPA_PATH: Test ipa path.