An Elixir library for generating struct constructors that handle external data with ease.
- 0
use ExConstructor position and main example
#59 opened by frnmjn - 1
- 1
- 3
Handle nested constructors
#18 opened by sitch - 0
Does not work with @enforce_keys
#21 opened by dylan-chong - 2
Is the project still active ?
#24 opened by julienmarie - 0
Error in readme example
#26 opened by joaothallis - 1
- 1
- 2
Feature request: produce (or deconstruct)
#20 opened by febeling - 1
Example inline usage for the docs
#19 opened by ssomnoremac - 2
Support for nested structs
#8 opened by anronin - 9
Parse upper case words
#6 opened by anronin - 1
incorrect value assigned
#15 opened by tilo - 0
Not checking if atom exists
#17 opened by InoMurko - 2
parsing acronyms
#10 opened by stephenmoloney - 0
parse acronyms in jsons fields
#9 opened by weaktyper - 2
Is this safe to use with user input?
#5 opened by aaronjensen - 2
What's point of this library?
#2 opened by holyxiaoxin - 2
undefined function Mix.Utils.underscore
#1 opened by holyxiaoxin