
Multiple UITableViews in a UIScrollView

Primary LanguageObjective-C

PanelTableView for iOS platform
Creates a UIViewController with multiple UITableView in a UIScrollView

* recycle views efficiently
* save/restore table offsets for different panels
* delegate and datasource similar to that of UITableView
* PanelIndexPath behaves like IndexPath, but with an additional parameter, page

1) Drag required files to your XCode Project
  * PanelIndexPath.h & PanelIndexPath.m
  * PanelView.h & PanelView.m
  * PanelsViewController.h & PanelsViewController.m
2) Create a UIViewController that subclasses PanelsViewController
3) PanelsViewController contains a set of delegate/datasource methods that should be overridden in the subclass
  - (NSInteger)numberOfPanels
    * this specifies the number of panels to create, similar to numberOfSectionsInTableView:
  - (NSInteger)panelView:(PanelView *)panelView numberOfRowsInPage:(NSInteger)page section:(NSInteger)section
    * this specifies the number of rows in a particular page, at a particular section, similar to tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:
  - (UITableViewCell *)panelView:(PanelView *)panelView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(PanelIndexPath *)indexPath
    * similar to  tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
  - (PanelView *)panelForPage:(NSInteger)page
    * create the panel. to create custom panels, subclass PanelView
  - (void)panelView:(PanelView *)panelView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(PanelIndexPath *)indexPath
    * similar to tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:

What is not complete yet?
* multiple sections in each table
* multiple types of panels, at the moment, supports one type of panel
* ...