
MOVED. Sample repo to showcase Azure hosting options for Spring workloads, including usage of Azure Java SDKs to integrate with our managed services

Primary LanguageJava

reddog-code-spring (moved)

⚠️ MOVED to reddog-solutions


This repo, based on reddog-code, is a deep-dive for Java/Spring developers on Azure hosting options and idiomatic java sdks that integrate with managed backing services. Using a retail scenario that depicts a typical event-driven microservices architecture, this codebase (and associated lab) will ease the migration and modernization of Java workloads on Azure. This repo also highlights usage of our emergent services such as Az Cognitive Services, OpenAI, and HuggingFace to transform enterprise applications with Azure AI offerings. In addition, with code, it shows usage of our offerings in preview such as the latest JFR for Application Insights that uses Machine Learning for insightful performance diagnostics, passwordless connections to services using managed identities, and JMS 2.0 API with Azure Service Bus.


Jump over to the docs to get started.

Initial setup docs

Related repos

Services and local port mappings

Service Description Key dependencies port
Virtual Customer Simulates orders webflux, jobrunr, faker, 8701
Order Service Place and manage orders flyway, eh-kafka, jpa 8702
Loyalty Service Manage reward points redis, eh-kafka, jpa 8703
Makeline Service Fulfil order queue cosmodb, eh-kafka, jpa 8704
Receipt generation Archive receipts blob storage 8705
Virtual Worker Simulate order completion cosmodb 8706
Accounting Service Process and transform data cosmodb, eh-kafka, jpa 8707
nn-bindings GPT-3 responses to prompts az-openai, python 8000
local eureka server Service discovery eureka 8761
local config server Centralized Configurations spring cloud config 8088
local gateway server Gateway spring cloud gateway 8080


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⚠️ 🚧 Java version of reddog-code for Azure Spring Apps (ASA) and App Service is WIP