
This is the App.net Login SDK for Android. It allows users to forgo entering passwords into each app and instead authorize from the App.net Passport Android application. Passport allows you to browse the App.net directory and perform account management functions.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This is the documentation for the App.net Login SDK for Android. It allows users to forgo entering passwords into each app and instead authorize from the App.net Passport Android application. Passport allows you to browse the App.net directory and perform account management functions.

Another important function of the SDK is that it allows you to seamlessly offer an option to install Passport, so that users without accounts can sign up for App.net.

We call this an SDK, but in reality, this is just a demonstration of how to use an Intent to authorize from the Passport app. If you're familiar with how Android works, this should be pretty straightforward. The main functionality is contained in static methods in the class ADNPassportUtility.


In order to use the App.net Login SDK for Android, you must register your application's package name and keyhash with App.net.

First, generate the keyhash:


To generate a hash of your debug signing key, run the following command:

keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore <path to debug.keystore> | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

You may be prompted for a password -- it should be android. Make sure you entire the entire command -- it should end with base64. (You may have to scroll to the right if you're viewing the docs on Github.)


For your production app, the alias, keystore path, and password may vary. Find the appropriate values and run this command:

keytool -exportcert -alias <RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS> -keystore <RELEASE_KEY_PATH> | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

Make sure you enter the entire command -- it should end with base64. (You may have to scroll to the right if you're viewing the docs on Github.)

Once you have generated the appropriate keyhashes, you must add them to the App.net management interface for your application.

First dialog

Second dialog

Third dialog


The MainActivity class included in this repository contains code to achieve the tasks outlined above. The following method can be hooked up to a button in your app to kick off the authorization flow. If the Passport app is not present on the device and the net.app.adnpassport.authorize Intent cannot be handled, then this method brings the user to market to install the Passport.

private void authenticateWithPassport() {
    //This is only safe when you have the Passport
    //app installed on the device already.
    if(ADNPassportUtility.isPassportAuthorizationAvailable(this)) {
        //convenience method for getting a net.app.adnpassport.authorize Intent
        Intent i = ADNPassportUtility.getAuthorizationIntent(CLIENT_ID, SCOPE);
        showProgress("Authorizing with App.net Passport");
        startActivityForResult(i, REQUEST_CODE_AUTHORIZE);
    } else {
        //Launch Google Play to install the Passport app.
        showProgress("Waiting for Passport to Install...");

After the Passport app is installed, the authenticateWithPassport() method is called again from the BroadcastReceiver.

private final BroadcastReceiver installReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        String action = intent.getAction();
        String dataString = intent.getDataString();
        if(Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED.equals(action) &&
           dataString.equals(String.format("package:%s", ADNPassportUtility.APP_PACKAGE))) {

Finally, when authorization is complete, your Activity will receive the user's username, user ID, and access token in the Intent returned in onActivityResult.

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    if(requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_AUTHORIZE) {
        if(resultCode == 1) {
            String username = data.getStringExtra("username");
            String accessToken = data.getStringExtra("accessToken");
            String userId = data.getStringExtra("userId");

            //hooray, we're logged in!
            Log.d("MainActivity", "Authorized successfully!");
        } else {
            //error OR the user cancelled.
            Log.d("MainActivity", "Failed to authorize");


Find Friends, Invite Friends, and Recommended Users

ADNPassportUtility also contains methods to help you to hook into other features in the App.net Passport app. The following three methods can be used to direct your users to follow or invite friends:

public static boolean launchFindFriends(Context context, String clientId);
public static boolean launchRecommendedUsers(Context context, String clientId);
public static boolean launchInviteFriends(Context context, String clientId);

Each of these methods can be used to start their respective Activities from the Passport app. If you're conditionally including some UI (e.g. an 'Invite Friends' button) to hook into one of these features, then you can use these convenience methods to check whether Passport is installed:

public static boolean isFindFriendsAvailable(Context context);
public static boolean isRecommendedUsersAvailable(Context context);
public static boolean isInviteFriendsAvailable(Context context);