Faradoo CV Creator is a command-line tool that allows you to easily create beautiful CVs from the information stored in your Faradoo account.
To install faradoo-prettier-cv, you must have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. Once you have Node.js and npm, you can install it by running the following commands
Copy the repo
git clone https://github.com/appeel-io/faradoo-prettier-cv.git
Go in to your folder
cd faradoo-prettier-cv
Install the dependencies
npm install
npm run generate
To get started, run the command above and log in to your Faradoo account via the command line. Answer some questions for creating the ideal cv's for your needs and your done.
To add a logo you can just drop a image in the public/logos folder and the cli tool recognises it automatically.
If you want personal images on your generated cv's you can add them to the public/employees folder. To match the image to the right person the image needs to have the same name as the person in all lowercase and the whitespaces must be underscores.
example file name jeremy_mees.png