
Jenkins plugin to submit jobs a TestSwarm and report results

Primary LanguageJava

You need to have Maven installed to build the plugin (use brew install maven on OSX).

Once Maven is available, update your settings.xml according to https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Plugin+tutorial

Afterwards you can build the plugin using Maven:

    mvn install

After the first run, use -o to speed up that process:

   mvn -o install

That puts a .hpi file into the target folder. Upload that to a Jenkins instance, or copy it manually to the plugins folder.

Afterwards you should be able to add "TestSwarm integration" as a build step to any type of project.
Fill in the empty fields, and a at least one testsuite. Then start a build and check the console output for results.

Testsuite URLs can use build and enviroment variables. For example, this:


gets resolved to this:


Other environment variables are documented on the Jenkins wiki: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Building+a+software+project#Buildingasoftwareproject-JenkinsSetEnvironmentVariables

Copyright 2011 appendTo
Licensed MIT / GPL