Apperception ingests video data from many perspectives and makes them queryable as a single multidimensional visual object. It incorporates new techniques for optimizing, executing, and storing multi-perspective video data.
apt-get update && apt-get install -y postgresql python3-opencv
For ssh:
git clone
cd apperception
git clone
cd apperception
Copy and paste yolov4.weights from your downloads folder into this repository. For the Demo, we use yolov4-tiny.weights,
If you want to use yolov4-tiny.weights, a smaller model that is faster at running detections but less accurate, download file here:
Our object tracker uses YOLOv4 to make the object detections, which deep sort then uses to track. There exists an official pre-trained YOLOv4 object detector model that is able to detect 80 classes. For easy demo purposes we will use the pre-trained weights for our tracker. Download pre-trained yolov4.weights file:
Download the yolov4 model, unzip in the current repo
chmod u+x ./
chmod 733 ./
As TASM requires nividia-docker/nvidia-docker2( during runtime, and a machine with an encode-capable GPU ( To tryout Apperception features without TASM, run the following:
Start Apperception Metadata Store MobilityDB(
docker volume create mobilitydb_data
docker run --name "mobilitydb" -d -p 25432:5432 -v mobilitydb_data:/var/lib/postgresql mobilitydb/mobilitydb
We need to setup the mobilitydb with customized functions
cd pg_extender
psql -h localhost -p 25432 -d mobilitydb -U docker
Enter "docker" as the default password
\i overlap.sql;
In apperception repo:
jupyter notebook
or python3 -m notebook
The demo notebook first constructs the world. Then it queries for the trajectory of the cars that appeared once in an area of interests within some time interval.
docker-compose up
cd pg_extender
psql -h -d mobilitydb -U docker
Enter "docker" as the default password
\i overlap.sql
docker ps
After fetching the CONTAINER_ID of apperceptiontasm/tasm:latest, run
docker exec -it {CONTAINER_ID of apperceptiontasm/tasm:latest} /bin/bash
Now we are under TASM env
cd /apperception/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
In the docker:
jupyter notebook --ip --port 8890 --allow-root &
Directly open the jupyter url
The demo notebook first constructs the world. Then it queries for the trajectory and videos of the cars that appeared once in an area of interests within some time interval.