In this project, we implemented the bubble sort algorithm. Bubble Sort is one of the simpler sorting algorithms. It sorts a group of items in an array by comparing the item on the left to the item its direct right, if the item on the left is larger, the two items swap positions. In this project we also had to focus on the use of yield and passing a block to a method.
- Ruby
To get a local copy if the the algorithm you can click here and either clone the repo or view the code.
If you are going t test this out locally you will need to have Ruby installed.
👤 Aulbourn Knowles
- Github: @githubhandle
- Twitter: @twitterhandle
- Linkedin: linkedin
👤 Solomon Appier-Sign
- Github: @githubhandle
- Twitter: @twitterhandle
- Linkedin: linkedin
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- Microverse, TSE's, Rubymine IDE
This project is MIT licensed.