
Do you get 100k NTD/month?

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NTU CSIE 100k+/month 2018

「三年內,台大資工畢業起薪將破台幣 10 萬」


"In 3 years, student who gratudated from NTU CSIE will have a base monthly salary more than 100 thousands NTD" said Mr. Jamie, in 2015.

After almost 3 years, now is 2018. Let's countdown to the deadline that Mr. Jamie assigned, May 20, 2018, (more specific, 12:28 pm on May 20, 2018 UTC+8, the time of first comment on the article) and ask, NTU CSIE alumuns, what's your current salary?

Is it higher than 100 thousands a month?

It's 2018 now. Is your monthly salary higher than 100K?

How much is 100K NTD? It's about 3441 USD, or 2771 EUR, or 365209 JPY.

If your monthly salary is 100K NTD, your yearly salary is 1.2M NTD. It's about 41295 USD, or 33255 EUR, or 4.38M JPY.

Is your salary higher than that? Leave your salary and look others' salary.