Appium UiAutomator/UiObject2-based server for Android UI automation. This module is used by appium-uiautomator2-driver component
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After disconnecting and reconnecting adb, the page structure cannot be obtained
#667 opened by WuXiaoJun111 - 3
App crash : 'Resource leak' and 'HardwareBuffer.close not called ' issue while using getScreenshotAs method of appium android driver
#654 opened by Ganesha-Deshmukh - 1
[Bug] The value of "bounds" attribute is incorrect on some elements on "Calls" app
#641 opened by kimduquan01 - 2
Elements cached error do not exist in dom any more occured by io.appium.uiautomator2.model.ElementsCache.get()
#477 opened by gaojun200233 - 5
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#635 opened by zzu402 - 6
uninstall io.appium.uiautomator2.server/test Failed
#619 opened by Dor-bl - 1
My build got failed.
#630 opened by AstinOfficial - 1
how i can give same signature matching
#629 opened by AstinOfficial - 2
Problem parsing multi-line UiAutomator code. InvalidSelectorException: Could not parse selector expression: UiScrollable has no suitable constructor with arguments
#628 opened by coryffaeus - 2
The 'duration' argument of 'performActions' API does not affect on Android WebView ( Appium 1.22.*, Appium 2.5.1 )
#623 opened by kimduquan01 - 6
Find element command extremely slow in v4.21.1
#613 opened by aksh-02 - 2
screenshot failed in real android device
#608 opened by kevinycm - 2
Cannot get method getInstance from class androidx.test.uiautomator.Gestures with parameter types [class androidx.test.uiautomator.UiDevice]
#592 opened by Comeodore - 22
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Consider providing an interface to set the uiautomator2-server to automatically dismiss the dialog?
#578 opened by caofengbin - 1
Unable to send text to edit text element by accessibility ID from Jetpack compose
#577 opened by stowy - 2
Is there any potentail risk that I change [waitForIdleTimeout] config to small value?
#574 opened by MilesYuanCN - 4
UiAutomator2 driver is unable to detect web elements in webview after updates in web app
#538 opened by sale7rawan - 1
Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo.getBoundsInScreen(' on a null object reference
#534 opened by GeneraalGarnaal - 0
[bug]screencap cammand got black image in folded phone's small screen like "Oppo find N". Add a parameter to make it compatible.
#531 opened by ahchchxx - 1
Can't find AUT apk and unable to execute test
#524 opened by kishanverma26 - 1
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Appium reports "InvalidArgumentException: Exception while reading JSON" instead of a real error
#520 opened by asolntsev - 1
Cannot click an element
#521 opened by asolntsev - 2
Can't detect elements that have deep depth
#516 opened by yoshitaka-ogata - 2
Socket hang up after 60 seconds of inactivity
#466 opened by Uil2liv - 4
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How to start appium for context.startInstrumentation
#498 opened by herenxue - 3
android uiautomator enableMultiWindows bug?
#500 opened by TesterWa - 5
Can I add an API to obtain the adb shell uiautomator dump? The wechat mini program I'm working on needs to obtain the dump very much.
#496 opened by TesterWa - 1
Occasionally seeing error of An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command when start An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command when staring android driver
#494 opened by Cecilia656611 - 3
API_LEVEL_ACTUAL field removed in newer version of androidx.test.uiautomator
#491 opened by xiaoPierre - 1
unable to install the uiautomator2 driver
#476 opened by ayushsinghcool - 10
Add ability to get full bounds of an element
#482 opened by MrGVSV - 4
Performance drop on v4.22.0 onwards
#426 opened by tommeier - 9
Xpath2 is not working on appium
#475 opened by omarmunir - 3
classNameMatches doesn't return all results
#473 opened by gavrix - 5
Problem with "cannot perform 'pointerUp' action without performing 'pointerDown' first"
#470 opened by jatalahd - 2
Appium-uiautomator2-server reports INSTRUMENTATION_FAILED errors on Android 11
#469 opened by dongjinhai - 0
setup semantics-release
#464 opened by KazuCocoa - 4
enableMultiWindows and disableSuppressAccessibilityService not working simultaneously
#462 opened by nurdtechie98 - 1
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appium does not return all android page source
#448 opened by lzus - 2
how server works
#445 opened by killaragorn - 5
Unable to change orientation
#443 opened by manjula-balamurugan - 1
Equals not implemented
#438 opened by Karazum - 5
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[Feature Request] Add in ways to utilize the non-device-bounded version of getAbsolutePosition
#434 opened by Kertic