
Install IPA from command line

Primary LanguageC

IPA Installer Console

Requires iOS 4.0 or above

ZipArchive from https://github.com/mattconnolly/ZipArchive

UIDevice-Extension from https://github.com/erica/uidevice-extension

New check capability method from https://github.com/a3tweaks/Flipswitch/blob/master/FSCapability.m

MiniZip from http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html

fixblankicon is an executable from ipod4g, which is used in old script to fix blank icons. It is not used in the binary.

刚开始因为在iOS10.3上卸载app失败,因此我由增加了两个权限,兼容了iOS10.3 但现在我把这个两个权限删除了,仍旧可以用。。。。难道是因为plist格式有所改变的原因吗? SetCapabilities //Lookup