I made version 2


React Native Expo with Firebase



  • React Native
  • Expo
  • Firebase(Authentication, Firestore, Cloud Storage)


  • Expo
  • axios
  • react-navigation
  • expo-constants
  • expo-image-manipulator
  • expo-image-picker
  • expo-notifications
  • firebase
  • react-native-elements
  • react-native-svg
  • react-native-vector-icons


  • Bottom tab and Stack navigation
  • Registration with E-mail & Password
  • Login with E-mail and Password
  • Deleting an account
  • Handling persisted login credentials
  • Writing to Firestore Database
  • Reading from Firestore Database
  • Uploading images to Cloud Storage
  • Update user profile
  • Dynamic switching of dark themes by device appearance
  • Retrieving Expo push tokens and saving them to Firestore

How to use

1. Install

git clone https://github.com/kiyohken2000/reactnative-expo-firebase-boilerplate.git
cd reactnative-expo-firebase-boilerplate
yarn install

2. Setting up Firebase

Step 1: Create a Google Firebase Account

  • Go to https://console.firebase.google.com/
  • Sign up an account and create a new project
  • Put in your project name, click "Continue".
  • Google Analytics can be enabled or disabled.
  • Click "Create Project" it is going to take a while before it says "Your new project is ready", click "Continue."

Step 2: Configure Firebase Console Sign-In Methods

  • On "Project Overview", click the "Authentication" on the left sidebar.
  • Click on the second tab where it said "Sign-In method"
  • Enable all the Sign-in method you would like to enable. For now, we will enable the "Email/Password" option.

Step 3: Configure Firebase Console Firestore

  • We will then click the "Cloud Firestore" on the left to create a database.
  • Select the "Start in test mode" option, click "next."
  • Select the "Cloud Firestore location", click "Enable"
  • Create the "users" and "tokens" collections. An empty document is fine.

Step 4: Create a folder in Cloud Storage

  • Next. Click Storage on the left.
  • Create an empty "avatar" folder.
  • Upload the image file "icon.png" of your choice. This is the default icon for app users.

Step 5: Copy the API Key

  • On the Project Overview, click on the "Web" icon since we are building on Expo.
  • Then give it a name, click "Register app".
  • It will show you the Firebase configuration, copy the SDK keys, we will use it in the next step.

Step 6: Connect Firebase

  • Write the copied API Key in your app.


import * as firebase from 'firebase'
import "firebase/auth"
import "firebase/firestore"
import "firebase/storage"

const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: "Your API Key",
  authDomain: "Your API Key",
  projectId: "Your API Key",
  storageBucket: "Your API Key",
  messagingSenderId: "Your API Key",
  appId: "Your API Key",
  measurementId: "Your API Key"

if (!firebase.apps.length) {

export { firebase };

3. Update app.json and default avatar

Replace the name and Slug with yours.

"name": "your-app-name",
"slug": "your-app-name",


const data = {
  id: uid,
  avatar: 'Your default icon URL',

4. Run Your App

expo start


This project is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.