Efficient Vision Transformers on Apple Neural Engine

This software project accompanies the Apple ML research article Deploying Attention-Based Vision Transformers to Apple Neural Engine.

This project implements attention-based vision transformer efficiently on Apple Neural Engine (ANE). We release the efficient attention module, utility functions like window_partition / window_reverse, an example hybrid CNN Transformer architecture based on MOAT, and an export function that converts the model to ml program.

Please refer to our research article for detailed explanations of the optimizations on partition/reverse tensor ops, position embedding design, attention mechanism and split_softmax.

Below are the latency comparison between different models. Our optimized MOAT is multiple times faster than the 3rd party implementation on ANE, and also much faster than the optimized DeiT/16 (tiny).

Getting Started

Install dependencies:

pip install torch coremltools pytest timm


To use the attention module

import torch
from vision_transformers.attention_utils import (

H, W, C = 16, 16, 32
num_heads = 2
# window based attention
window_size = (8, 8)
x = torch.rand((1, H, W, C))
window_attention = WindowAttention(
windows = window_partition(x, window_size)
windows_reshape = windows.reshape((-1, window_size[0] * window_size[1], C))
attn_windows = window_attention(windows_reshape)
output = window_reverse(attn_windows, window_size, H, W)

# global attention, window size will be the full res of feature map
global_attention = WindowAttention(
    window_size=(H, W),
global_reshape = x.reshape(1, H * W, C)
global_output = global_attention(global_reshape)

To construct MOAT architecture:

from vision_transformers.model import _build_model

image_height, image_width = 256, 256
model_config, model = _build_model(
    shape=(1, 3, image_height, image_width),

To export ml model that runs on ANE

$ python export.py

To verify performance, developers can now launch Xcode and simply add this model package file as a resource in their projects. After clicking on the Performance tab, the developer can generate a performance report on locally available devices. The figure below shows a performance report generated for this model on a list of iPhone devices.

To customize model hyperparameter, and profile the exported model, refer to the section Model Export Walk-Through in the blog.

Unit Tests

We provide unit tests to ensure the build and export parts function correctly, also can be used as examples. To run the unit tests:

pytest tests.py