
compound figure separation tool

Primary LanguagePython

Compound Figure Separator


pip install tensorflow
#pip instal tensorflow-gpu #in case you want to use GPU
conda uninstall -c menpo opencv #in case you have opnecv2
conda install -c menpo opencv3


If you find this tool useful, please consider to cite:

  title={{A Data Driven Approach for Compound Figure Separation Using Convolutional Neural Networks}},
  author={Satoshi Tsutsui, and David Crandall},
  booktitle={{The IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR)}},

Another requirement: pretrained model

Let's donwload the pretrained model at the ./data directory. I uploaded onto multiple places.

I just want to separate compound figures.

Sure, just use this command:

python main.py --images ./imgs --annotate 1

See the results directory. You have sub-figures at ./results . That's it!

Here is other options:

  --images IMAGES      the directory that has figures
  --model MODEL        model pb file. Default is ./data/figure-sepration-model-submitted-544.pb
  --thresh THRESH      sub-figuere detection threshold. Default is 0.5
  --output OUTPUT      output directory Default is ./results
  --annotate ANNOTATE  save annotation to the image or not. 1 is yes, 0 is no. Default is 0.

Output json is somethine like:

 "x": (x coordinate of left top point of the sub-figure),
 "y": (y coordinate of left top point of the sub-figure),
 "w": (width of the sub-figure),
 "h": (height of the sub-figure),
 "conf": (confidence value of the extaction),
 } ,....

I want to use inside my own code

Sure. You can use FigureSeparator class. See simple_example.py which is:

from code.FigureSeparator import FigureSeparator

Giving you the bounding box of sub-figures with confidence values.


The training is done by darknet and then ported to tensorflow model using darkflow. Part of the code is re-used from darkflow. Thank you very much for the authors of these two repositories.