- 3
APNs server certificate update
#825 opened by mirceamurasan - 0
`queue_usage` and `queue_max`
#831 opened by jean-kesrewani - 0
High CPU Usage on Idle in Docker (v1.18.9)
#830 opened by maximality - 1
- 2
How analytics labels can be added to a message?
#746 opened by dm-aq - 0
Support Redis username for storage service.
#824 opened by appleboy - 1
FCM does not support more than 500 tokens
#808 opened by hakkiyagiz - 4
Feedback url is not receiving
#813 opened by sanjaylakum7 - 1
Alpine Image Update Question
#820 opened by Jake-Kuznicki - 0
Possible Queue Traceability Enhancement
#823 opened by obuzyig - 5
Sending data to topics does not work
#816 opened by genna87 - 3
HTTP server does not respond
#819 opened by HrachMD - 1
Ubuntu installation issue.
#815 opened by mkuznetsov - 13
Getting error "project ID is required"
#818 opened by foobargeez - 0
- 2
Firewall rules setup for GoRush
#811 opened by mkuznetsov - 0
'Counts' value returned is wrong for IOS
#814 opened by Helios6221 - 2
Cannot sent notification to IOS with API /api/push
#807 opened by tockzazazx - 1
Live activity notifications support
#803 opened by GonzaloAvilez - 3
wrong latest release tag
#800 opened by alandevelop - 7
Notification sound is broken in version 1.18.6
#799 opened by Spinaker70 - 5
Sending to android via GRPC not work after update
#789 opened by vanohaker - 4
sending notifications does not work via gRPC, got context canceled error, latest version?
#790 opened by arllen133 - 2
Notification sound is broken in version 1.18
#795 opened by Spinaker70 - 4
Sound field not working in version 1.18
#791 opened by ZaninAndrea - 0
- 6
error when send notification using FCM Http v1
#788 opened by dongphh - 1
Bug with nested payload in FCM messages
#784 opened by alikhanz - 8
Writing error in log, but push send successful
#773 opened by heggi - 3
- 5
Addressing FCM Credentials for the gorush v.1.18.1
#771 opened by obuzyig - 1
- 1
- 2
incorrect version of package in go.mod
#763 opened by romus204 - 3
Config android apikey vs. payload api_key
#741 opened by nevotheless - 4
Is project still alive?
#761 opened by alikhanz - 1
Cloud Messaging API (Legacy)
#762 opened by RezaOptic - 1
Link token to user ids
#760 opened by Chralu - 1
Dynamically or using RESTful API to add device
#756 opened by itsazzad - 1
Firebase migrating to the HTTP v1 API
#759 opened by sankethkini - 1
- 1
#753 opened by gedw99 - 1
http server not running.
#749 opened by fengyuxx - 0
Feedback endpoint doesn't close tcp connections
#751 opened by alikhanz - 0
Custom 'feedback_hook_url' per notification
#750 opened by msfilho - 0
Is nats jetstream supported?
#748 opened by agufagit - 0
Volume of 0.0 is ignored and plays at full sound
#743 opened by mprysork - 0
- 1
Scaling Gorush
#733 opened by ColeTownsend - 3
Don't you create a docker image of semver only?
#720 opened by mitoma