![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/g0v/ly.g0v.tw/badge.png?branch=master
WARNING: this is work in progress and the file format is likely to change!
Install required packages:
$ npm install
$ npm run build
Start server:
$ npm run dev # then open http://localhost:3333/
By default the frontend uses api.ly.g0v.tw. The code is at http://github.com/g0v/api.ly
List some terminologies which will be used in source code
- sitting - 會議(maybe 院會)
- bill - 提案
- debate - 質詢
- motions - 議案
- committee - 委員會
- annoucement - 報告事項
- discussion - 討論事項
- exmotion - 臨時提案
- interpellation - 質詢事項
While running deploy if following message is shown:
" fatal: Not a valid object name: '-m' "
It is a bug of git fixed after Check you git version (git --version
) and upgrade if <
Using Cordova as a platform for building mobile apps
Install Cordova through npm
npm install -g cordova
after you install go to the folder contrib/ly_ios
in this repo and enter the following command:
# install emulators on ios
npm install -g ios-sim
# add ios platform on cordova
cordova platform add ios
# launching !!
cordova emulate ios
and you are launching your app.
Reference: https://github.com/apache/cordova-cli
##Setting in cordova :
Setting in cordova is really easy, all the settings are in contrib/ly_ios/ly_g0v/config.xml
ly.g0v.tw - Congress Website
<author href="http://g0v.tw" >
<access origin="*"/>
<content src="http://localhost:3333" /> <!-- which url you want to direct to -->
<!-- <content src="index.html" /> -->
Stub the response of api.ly.g0v.tw and save $scope.something
Compare the snapshots and $scope.something
Unit test
Choose one browser to prepare the test environment, and run the commands:
npm run test:unit
sed -i 's/browsers: \["Chrome"\]/browsers: \["Firefox"\]/' test/karma.conf.ls gulp --require LiveScript test:unit
E2E test
Reference: http://karma-runner.github.io
To run protractor, first you need to run server for client side code described in Usage.
npm run protractor
Reference: https://github.com/angular/protractor
The MIT license: http://g0v.mit-license.org/