- 36
ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain
#297 opened by sahgilbert - 8
- 2
The startup script could not be executed properly
#354 opened by cccqcccq - 3
- 1
- 1
accessing to GITHUB_ENV to write some data
#325 opened by DanyaKulko - 1
Doc Request: Example of using Github Env Variables
#353 opened by roablep - 6
script_stop: true mess up cat command
#335 opened by uchar - 0 Permission denied
#352 opened by Ban921 - 1
Missed some special character in ENV
#346 opened by viettl - 2
- 5
- 15
- 0
- 2
SSH to Tailscale network
#344 opened by keu - 1
Specifying shell
#345 opened by 3emSeyBey - 1
Pick shell
#343 opened by roablep - 5
ssh: handshake failed: EOF
#315 opened by c7e715d1b04b17683718fb1e8944cc28 - 26
handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [publickey], no supported methods remain.
#323 opened by Itech-Problem-Solving - 15
- 14
i/o timeout
#309 opened by irakli-ika - 2
- 5
Command not recognised
#302 opened by paulGeoghegan - 1
SSH Handshake Failed Multiple times
#333 opened by rajpatel2435 - 1
URl Download
#331 opened by TheProzin - 2
#327 opened by bin862324915 - 3
how can i mask commands run in host
#329 opened by salahhusa9 - 4
Pass envs to scripts not working in v1.0.3
#290 opened by zvn2060 - 0
Feature request: Do not untar
#328 opened by luarss - 6
- 0
[Feature request/Question]: Port Forwarding
#324 opened by mathieutu - 5
Downloading action fails
#308 opened by back-2-95 - 8
Connection refused
#307 opened by bhushankummar - 1
- 11
Error in preparation before connecting to ssh
#306 opened by khamdullaevuz - 3
getKeyFile error: open key.pem: permission denied
#312 opened by lmilbaum - 1
ssh: handshake failed: read tcp *****:*** ->*****:***: read: connection reset by peer
#292 opened by joris-Bourguet - 2
- 1
Running without stop
#319 opened by datpmt - 4
ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain
#298 opened by khang-digitaliron - 1
SSH connection failing with "ssh: handshake failed: read tcp>***:22: read: connection reset by peer"
#311 opened by Arbee4ever - 3
Deployment completed but nothing happens on my vps
#304 opened by alinpr18 - 1
- 1
Repository env variables are empty
#295 opened by codewishofficial - 6
Error: missing server host
#300 opened by miguelbernadi - 2
Image not building
#299 opened by Asikamiotis - 1
Using username and password getting ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none password], no supported methods remain
#294 opened by nishwalshetty - 3
- 4
- 2