
the cummings language, whose suffix is eec

Primary LanguagePython


This is the cummings source repostitory. cummings is an interpreted computer language, best used as the ‘no-apology’ introduction to programming.

Language Features:

  1. any string, blanks included, may be a token, and
  2. its purely functional, so that add( this, that) does what you’d expect
  3. the syntax uses only 4 characters: “(” “,” “)” and “\”: balanced parenthesis, the comma, and the backslash which escapes the following character.

While it’s behavior is little different from many scripting languages, it is revolutionary in a few ways:

  1. a string need not be quoted. (since un-escaped leading and trailing blanks disappear)
  2. a strong preferance for mnemonic operators.
  3. a “no-apology” syntax. i.e. the lowest learning curve possible

Current activity

  1. importing the datastructure, machine, and parser.


to test:

$ cd src
$ cat ../tst/testdataNNN.eec ... | tmain #  OR
$ ...
$ cat ... | tmain {file} - ...

Development practice:

  1. shell functions in **bin/eeclib**

My email address: mcgowan@alum.mit.edu See http://mcgowans.org/eec/cummings.html for the master README.