
CLI mode dashboard for Docker

Primary LanguageShell

Here is an execution file http://bit.ly/dcs_

  • Download & Install
curl -sL bit.ly/dcs_ -o ./dcs
sudo chmod 755 ./dcs
sudo mv ./dcs /usr/bin/dcs


CLi mode dashboard for Docker(in redhat, ubuntu, OSX)


  • It can be helps for type quickly :)
  • You just shuld send a command "dcs" for start,stop,remove, pull run...
  • That's all :)

2015/08/06 - update

  • You can build & verify the docker image now via dcs command !
  1. If you type "build" in dcs, you should input the parents directory name of dockerfile existing directory
  2. And then the docker_build_auto.sh command shuld be downloaded automatically to be excution.
  3. Through the docker_build_auto.sh, you can modify the Dockerfile for build
  4. After build the image, you can verify the image good or not
  5. When you finish the Verification, You can make a tag to image and upload to registry
  6. After the upload to registry, you can clean the temporary image and log file

2016/01/13- update

  • You can feel free type the command as you want
    • For example, if you need to remove several images, you can type as below
rm 123124 0981723 09871023 0983
  • New function has been applied for exception process of sudo command use or not

2016/07/04- update

  • Purge function has been applied for no use image

2016/07/13- update

  1. Clean function has been applied for no use Volumes
  1. In-line command input support
  • You can use an in-line command as below
$ dcs clean

2016/10/24- update

  1. Supports entering the running docker using the it command


it [image id]

2016/11/24- update

  1. Bug Patch for it command of "Active process"(bug was it command found a in-active process)
  2. "run" command 사용시 Port-expose를 추가 할 수 있는 step을 추가
  3. Port expose step supports when you need to run the container
 == Please insert a image number [1 - 23 ]
 == Please insert a new name for Run :
 == Do you need to make port forwarding ? [host-port:container-port or null]
8080:80 8081:81

   [:: Active Processors ::]
  | CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                  COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                  NAMES
1 | b2d5490a70af        ab7284315dff           "docker-entrypoint.sh"   7 seconds ago       Up 7 seconds        8983/tcp,>80/tcp,>81/tcp   test_dcs

2016/11/24_02- update

  1. Use the "upgrade" command to automatically update the Docker Cli-dashboard!

2017/06/28- update

  1. update for numbering for align: 1, 2, 3 -> 01, 02, 03

2017/07/6- update

  1. update for no-use image clean via reduce option

2017/07/6- update

  1. update for prune command all clean(volume/network/process/image)

2017/10/23- update

  1. Function update: save for All docker image dump to the local file
  2. Function update: load for the local docker image file to the Docker images list

2017/11/09- update

  1. Function update: log for docker process log show
  2. Function name change: halt -> aps(all process stop)

2018/08/09- update

  1. Function update: stat for All or selected container status monitoring
  2. Function update: run just run container without going into container
  3. Function update: Remove attach from sa and rename sa to start
  4. Change code to match the bash syntax
  5. Add command prompt

2018/08/21- update

  1. Function update: Add volume mount option to run
  2. Change some code to match the bash syntax