
Decision Tree with PEP,MEP,EBP,CVP,REP,CCP,ECP pruning algorithms,all are implemented with Python(sklearn-decision-tree-prune included,All are finished).

Primary LanguageC

This repository is targeted at popular pruning implementations(Continuous updating):

Name Full name Tree type On Which package is Pruning Algorithm Performed Language Unknown value supported Continuous value supported
REP Reduced Error Pruning ID3 Personal
Manually Code
Python No No
MEP Minimum Error Pruning C4.5 [1] Python No Yes
CVP Critical Value Pruning C4.5 [1] Python No Yes
PEP Pessimistic Error Pruning C4.5 [1] Python No Yes
EBP Error Based Pruning C4.5 [1] Python No Yes
EBP Error Based Pruning C4.5 [1] C Yes Yes
EBP Error Based Pruning C5.0 [4] C Yes Yes
CCP Cost Complexity Pruning CART-
Classification Tree
sklearn Python No Yes
ECP Error Complexity Pruning CART-
Regression Tree
sklearn Python No Yes

ID3 is just manually written code. MEP、EBP、PEP、CVP are operated on the model generated from: Quinlan-C4.5-Release8_and_python_interface_for_EBP/Src/quinlan-src/ which is from[1],the inventer's homepage.

Environment Requirement(Not a must):

Environment Edition Command to find Edition
XUbuntu 18.10 18.10-Amd64 uname -a
Python 2.7.12 python
Make 4.2.1 make --version
Glibc 2.28 ldd --version

The command to delete all .pyc files:
find . -name "*.pyc"  | xargs rm -f

Note that :
In C4.5 and C5.0,when your datasets is very very small ,

you'll get very small model,then,

you will NOT get a "Simplified Tree"(pruned model)

from quinlan's implementation.

This means "pruned model"="unpruned model",

when under this case,copy the content of "result/unprune.txt" to "result/prune.txt"please.

----------------REP---Operation method(start)-------------------------------

Running Flows:

1.cd ID3-REP-post_prune-Python-draw

2.python jianzhi.py

----------------REP---Operation method(end)---------------------------------

----------------EBP--Operation method(start)--------------------------------

Ross Quinlan has already implemented EBP with C[1], so the following is just a Python interface.

Running Flows:

put crx.names and crx.data(change "crx" please when you use other datasets) under the path: Quinlan-C4.5-Release8_and_python_interface_for_EBP/Src/quinlan-src/

cd Quinlan-C4.5-Release8_and_python_interface_for_EBP/Src
python shell_execute.py crx > result.txt
python result_get.py(transform C model to Python model)
python predict.py

----------------EBP--Operation method(end)---------------------------------

----------------PEP--Operation method(start)-------------------------------

Running Flows:

Download datasets from[2]

Reorder it with the final column from small to large and get the former 200 items,and save them as abalone_parts.data(this step is just for easy to visualize afterwards)

cp abalone_parts.data abalone.names   /decision_tree/Quinlan-C4.5-Release8_and_python_interface_for_EBP/Src/quinlan-src/
python shell_execute.py abalone > result.txt
python result_get.py(transform C model to Python model)  

get the model from the output of "python result_get.py"
and paste this model into top.py  

cp abalone_parts.data abalone.names decision_tree/PEP-finish/

python top.py

If you do not want to change datasets,
you can skip the former 4 steps and run step 5th only.

----------------PEP--Operation method(end)---------------------------------

----------------MEP--Operation method(start)---------------------------------

Running Flows:

1.cp abalone_parts.data abalone.names   /decision_tree/Quinlan-C4.5-Release8_and_python_interface_for_EBP/Src/quinlan-src/
python shell_execute.py abalone > result.txt
python result_get.py(transform C model to Python model)  

2.get the model from the output of "python result_get.py"
and paste this model into MEP_topmodule_down_to_top.py  

3.python MEP_topmodule_down_to_top.py 

----------------MEP--Operation method(end)---------------------------------

----------------CVP--Operation method(start)---------------------------------

Running Flows:

1.cp abalone_parts.data abalone.names   /decision_tree/Quinlan-C4.5-Release8_and_python_interface_for_EBP/Src/quinlan-src/
python shell_execute.py abalone > result.txt
python result_get.py(transform C model to Python model)  

2.get the model from the output of "python result_get.py"
and paste this model into CVP_top.py 

3.search "critical_value" in CVP_top.py and change it to be what you want.
4.python CVP_top.py

Of course,you can skip the first 3 steps if you just want to see its performance with default datasets(abalone_parts and credit-a)

----------------CVP--Operation method(end)---------------------------------

----------------CCP--Operation method(some relevant information-start)---------------------------------

Attention: Previous Work of CCP on CART From other repositories in Github and Google:

Link Defects
https://github.com/Rudo-erek/decision-tree/tree/ It can NOT work,and it can NOT deal with continuous Attribute.
The computation of R(t) is wrong,this link use Gini to compute R(t).
https://github.com/Jasper-Dong/Decision-Tree It can work,but it can NOT deal with continuous Attribute.
Decision Trees Part 3: Pruning your Tree It can work,
but the author modified the original CCP,
which result in no candidate trees to select,
and so no cross-validation to select best pruned tree.
He set a fixed alpha before running this“modified CCP”,his method is to pursue:

All of above three implementations are stored and annotated in the folder:


This repository's CCP-implementation is performed based on sklearn's CART classification-model.
Here's the relevant issuse of official github of Sklearn.
They are trying to prune on sklearn's CART model with Cython(a faster python with C),which is still un-available.My  CCP implementation on sklearn's CART model is pure python.

CCP  can also be used on C4.5(Not supported in this github),and the article which use CCP on C4.5 is《Simplifying Decision Trees》part2.1-J.R.Quinlan

----------------CCP--Operation method(some relevant information-end)---------------------------------

----------------CCP--Operation method(start)---------------------------------
Attention again,datasets with unKnown value is NOT supported.

The main flow to implement CCP on sklearn's model is as follows:
1.transform sklearn model to json-model. 
(I'm Not contributor of Sklearn,so the sklearn model can NOT be pruned directly,it need transformation.)
2.perform CCP on json model
3.get the best json-model from Tree Sets in CCP,and synchronized the original sklearn model with the best json-model
(we only synchronize the"Tree shape" between sklearn-model and json-style model,which is very helpful for drawing CCP-pruned json-model with graphviz)

The step to run CCP on sklearn's model is as follows:
1.delete all the files in the folder "visualization"
2.make sure your datasets has no unKnown value,or you need to pre-process it(It is a must).
If you don't pre-process the unKnown value,strange errors will occur.
3.cd decision_tree/sklearn_cart_CCP/sklearnCART2json_CCP/ 
and change the "name_path" and "data_path" in sklearn_CCP_top.py
4.python sklearn_CCP_top.py 
and get the best CCP-json-model and CCP-pruned  precision
5.Enjoy the pictures of all the TreeSets and "final bestTree" in the folder "visualization".

    Don't Set "max_depth" too large,
    or you'll need to wait for a very long time,
    if you persist running it with very large "max_depth",then graphviz may NOT be able to draw pictures under the folder "visualization".

datasets from UCI which have been tested:

----------------CCP--Operation method(end)---------------------------------

-------------------ECP-Operation method(start)-----------------------

Running Flows:

    1.change your datasets path in file sklearn_ECP_TOP.py
    2.set b_SE=True in sklearn_ECP_TOP.py if you want this rule to select the best pruned tree.
    3.python sklearn_ECP_TOP.py in the path decision_tree/sklearn_cart-regression_ECP-finish/
    4.Enjoy the results in the folder"visualization".

    datasets from UCI which have been tested:

-------------------ECP-Operation method(end)-----------------------


-------------------C5.0-EBP-Operation method(Start)-------------------

Training Flows: C50-EBP-finish/Train/Traing_Method.txt

Validation Flows: C50-EBP-finish/ValidateAndTest/Validation_Testing_Method.txt

The resource of C5.0 is from [4] (For Training) and [5] (For Validation and Testing)

-------------------C5.0-EBP-Operation method(end)-------------------

You may also interested in the inventer、history of Pruning Algorithms,

and you may want to compare the unpruned effects and pruned effects.

I have collected them together[3].

----------------------------Formatting For Kaggle---------------------------------------

Change .csv to .data and .names. See folder: CSV_Formatting

----------------------------Contact me------------------------------------------------

Contact Style Information
Email appleyuchi@foxmail.com


issue 12887 of Sklearn Group fixes issue 6557.

However,R(t) of issue 12887 is different from what is written in[6]


[1]C4.5 Package

[2]Abalone Datasets

[3]History of pruning algorithm development and python implementation(finished)

[4]C5.0 Package


[6] Breiman L (1984)《 Classification and regression trees》