
Framework for coming up with ideas for your next project (for cv, portfolio, startup...)

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Framework for coming up with ideas for your next project
(for cv, portfolio, startup...)

About the framework

Sometimes it is difficult to come up with an idea for our next project. Whether we want to learn new technology, improve our CV and portfolio, or maybe just start a new hobby or even a business.

Video instruction here :


Getting Started

1. Choose Topic

Pick something you are interested in. This will keep you motivated during the hard times (and there will be hard times).

sport (football, tennis, training)
video games
collecting things
any hobby from Wikipedia

2. Choose Service

This will give your project a meaning, something that you and perhaps others could use in the real life

Examples of services
catalogs and data trackers/logs
planners and reminders
(but NOT a todo)
project management tools
calculators and converters
social interaction
motivational services
accessibility services

3. Choose Technology

This will give the meaning to your hard work, especially if you are learning. You will be able to measure your progress in some area, and also know what you should learn next. Some areas might make sense, some not. For example, if you are learning for frontend, then focus on that, but at least learn some basics of backend (or other areas).

Technology details
Css and HTML to a desired level
JavaScript always relevant to some level
Frontend and/or Backend language oop concepts, design patterns, s.o.l.i.d., automated testing...
Database and storage CRUD, relations, normalization, logging in files, files and images manipulation...
API integration google maps, eBay, Wikipedia, google books, amazon, your own service...
data manipulation calculation, conversion
security best practices, protection, common problems
authorization and authentication local or external (auth0, google, facebook, custom...)
package management npm, yarn, composer
mobile applications native, flutter, ionic

4. Now make it

Combine some or several of the things above, and try to come up with something that will be useful, and also something where you will learn whatever you want to learn.

Some sample projects:

Project Tool suggestions
Clothes recommendation system based on interest, which links to amazon search fashion + catalogs + API integration
Photography golden hour calculator with google maps Photography + calculators + API integration
DVD/CD collection tool movies + catalogs + database (+imdb API?)
hotel reviews from multiple websites travel + social interaction + data manipulation

One good tip: Imagine meeting your favourite developer/investor/mentor, and he asks you:

  • What are you working on (and why)?
  • What technologies are you using (and why)?
  • What is your goal (and why)?
  • What have you learned (and why)?
  • What you liked most (and why)?
  • What is the most difficult thing (and why)?

If you start with your project, and after a month you can answer these questions from above, you are ready for an interview with a company that uses that technology.

Made by: ApplicableProgramming.com
Youtube: ApplicableProgramming