A generic Operator capable of deploying any runtime component image with enterprise QoS and bind it to other services
- allensiho
- amarchese96Sicily, Italy
- angellkRed Hat
- ArchiFleKs@particuleio @fragmentsh @kilnfi
- arthurbarr@IBM
- arthurdmIBM
- cehoffmanFlock Freight
- crmarques
- crshnburn@IBM
- Daniel-FanIBM, University of Toronto
- east4ming
- ecwpz91
- edavidjAWS
- girishramnaniIndia
- gmariottiBerlin, Germany
- gordonbondon@apple
- hodgesdavidkIBM
- InfTkmToronto
- jomaymaBergamo, Italy
- JusteenR
- leochrIBM
- lishitiancnTencent
- LittleChimera
- metacosmRed Hat
- navidsh@IBM
- nfsc-tommy
- NissesSenap@Kognic
- pradeep122
- raz-bn
- ron1
- rubenfdez
- sondregj@gameflow-tv
- srikantt
- thearchitect
- veridian69
- yharish991