- 0
`setAnnotations` method fails in tests
#50 opened by hkellaway - 4
What's meaning about (aX aY)
#55 opened by sunjmmeishao - 5
ADClusterMapView selectAnnotation:animated: does not work with custom annotations
#5 opened by CMoebius - 4
Pin Annotations Not dequeue if small number
#53 opened by matcodes - 1
- 4
- 6
- 13
High level zoom out crash
#29 opened by Narayane - 4
- 5
removeAnnotations not working
#40 opened by pomello - 1
Enhancement Request: SelectedAnnotations
#43 opened by malandr2 - 1
Crash when zooming to kADCoordinate2DOffscreen
#44 opened by vrujbr - 1
How to show an count for cluster
#47 opened by cspnanda - 2
delegate is not weak
#48 opened by sareninden - 0
Support for more than Title and Subtitle?
#51 opened by 2braph - 8
Adding and removing pins dynamically
#10 opened by k06a - 3
Annotations disappear when zooming in
#46 opened by glagnar - 0
Enhancement Request: SelectedAnnotations
#42 opened by malandr2 - 3
Enhancement Request: Allow single annotations (at dev's discretion) to not be clustered
#32 opened by juanpdelat - 0
Add support for showAnnotations
#41 opened by solomon23 - 8
Turn off clustering
#27 opened by foFox - 1
regionThatFits returns Invalid Region
#35 opened by MrWobbles - 1
- 1
Select annotation
#37 opened by rawGH - 1
- 5
Dev and prod environment issue
#38 opened by TanguyAladenise - 1
Effect of clusterDiscriminationPowerForMapView and numberOfClustersInMapView relative to the zoom level
#33 opened by fotisp - 1
- 1
- 5
ADClusterAnnotation without ADMapCluster?
#25 opened by adauguet - 1
Erroneous Cluster Annotation
#26 opened by phazlett - 5
- 3
Get Custom MKAnnotation
#24 opened by carmelogallo - 2
Points with the same lat/long do not cluster
#7 opened by demoend - 2
- 9
Custom annotation support?
#4 opened by CMoebius - 5
- 2
Tag please?
#6 opened by cdmwebs - 1
Not clustering at lower zoom levels
#18 opened by fumoboy007 - 3
- 1
- 3