
Source code for the iOS Applied Engineering App

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Source code for the iOS Applied Engineering App.

XCode setup

  • After cloning, you must generate your own xcode project that will be specific to your computer
  • Before continuing, you must first make sure you have Brew and Cocoapods installed.
  • Afterwards, make sure you install xcodegen by running this command in the terminal: brew install xcodegen.
  • Next, run these commands in order:
  1. cd .../iOS-Applied-Engineering-App/Applied Engineering/
  2. xcodegen (this should generate a .xcodeproj file. DO NOT OPEN IT)
  3. pod install (this should generate a .xcworkspace)
  • Now, open the generated .xcworkspace file.

  • Make sure to select the Applied Engineering target on the top bar.

  • Now, click on the Applied Engineering project (as opposed to the Pods project)

  • Under the "Signing & Capabilities" tab, make sure to sign into our shared Apple developer account via our Apple ID.

  • Now, make a selection for a team. Select "Arcadia Unified School District"

  • You should now be all set up and ready to compile the app!

Tip: if you pull a commit that has either added or deleted a file and that file change is not shown in xcode, all you have to do is rerun xcodegen and pod install again. However, make sure you are in this directory: .../iOS-Applied-Engineering-App/Applied Engineering/.