
Quickly collect screenshots of all your website pages and responsive viewports.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JavaScript Ultra-Fast Visual Grid Sitemap Crawler

Quickly collect screenshots of all your website pages and responsive viewports.


  • This is a POC of using the Applitools Visual Grid and sitemap crawling a website. This is free for use (with VG Subscription), change/modify, and do whatever you please with it. This is NOT SUPPORTED by Applitools Support or Dev teams. It's use at your own discretion and is not guaranteed to work in the future.

To Install:

  • $ git clone git@github.com:applitools/JS-Virtual-Grid-Crawler.git
  • $ npm install

To Run:

$ node crawler.js --help

Usage: crawler [options]

  -V, --version                 output the version number
  -u --url [url]                Add the site URL you want to generate a sitemap for. e.g. -u https://www.seleniumconf.com
  -s --sitemap [sitemap]        Use an already existing sitemap file. e.g. -s "/path/to/sitemap.xml" Note: This overrides the -u arg
  -m, --sitemapUrl [sitemapUrl  Specify a sitemap URL. e.g. -m https://www.example.com/sitemap.xml
  -b, --browsers [browsers]     Add the MAX number of browsers to run concurrently. e.g. -b 10. Note: Be careful with this!
  -k --key [key]                Set your Applitools API Key. e.g. -k yourLongAPIKeyyyyy
  -v --serverUrl [serverUrl]    Set your Applitools server URL. (Default: https://eyesapi.applitools.com). e.g. -v  https://YourEyesapi.applitools.com
  --no-grid                     Disable the Visual Grid and run locally only (Default: false). e.g. --no-grid
  --logs                        Enable Applitools Debug Logs (Default: false). e.g. --logs
  --headless                    Run Chrome headless (Default: false). e.g. --headless
  --no-fullPage                 Disable Full Page Screenshot (Default: full page). e.g. --no-fullPage
  -U --URL [URL]                Add a single web URL you want to capture images for. e.g. -U https://www.google.com
  -a --appName [appName]        Override the appName. e.g. -a MyApp
  -t --testName [testName]      Override the testName. e.g. -t MyTest
  -l --level [level]            Set your Match Level "Layout2, Content, Strict, Exact" (Default: Strict). e.g. -l Layout2
  -p --proxy [proxy]            Set your Proxy URL" (Default: None). e.g. -p http://proxyhost:port,username,password
  -B --batch [batch]            Set your Batch Name" (Default: sitemap filename or url). e.g. -B MyBatch
  -h, --help                    output usage information


  • Set an environment letiable for your Applitools API Key. e.g. export APPLITOOLS_API_KEY="Your_API_KEY"

  • Generate Sitemap and Run: $ node crawler.js -u https://www.seleniumconf.com

  • Use a sitemap.xml URL and Run: $ node crawler.js -m https://slack.com/sitemap.xml -b 20 --headless

  • Use existing sitemap.xml and Run: $ node crawler.js -s ./sitemaps/www.seleniumconf.com.xml

  • Use a self made sitemap and Run: $ node crawler.js -s ./sitemaps/random-sitemap.xml --appName random-urls

  • Open 20 browsers concurrently (default: 10): $ node crawler.js -s ./sitemaps/www.primerica.com.xml -b 20

    • The max browsers by default is 10. However, if the sitemap.xml only has 5 links, then only 5 browsers will open.
    • Be careful with this value. Opening too many browsers might kill your machine. Leave it at the default (10) and tweak this value slightly until you know the ideal number your machine can handle.
  • Disable Visual Grid and Run locally: $ node crawler.js -s ./sitemaps/www.seleniumconf.com.xml --no-grid

  • Enable Applitools Debug logs: $ node crawler.js -s ./sitemaps/www.seleniumconf.com.xml --log

  • Run Chrome Headless: $ node crawler.js -s ./sitemaps/www.seleniumconf.com.xml --headless

  • Overides: Set API Key and On-Prem/Private Cloud Server URL and Run: $ node crawler.js -u https://seleniumconf.com -k YourApiKey -v https://youreyesapi.applitools.com

  • Crawl a single URL: $ node crawler.js -U https://www.google.com

  • Crawl a single URL and set a App and Test Name: $ node crawler.js -U https://www.google.com -a Google -t HomePage

  • Disable Full Page Screenshot: $ node crawler.js -s ./sitemaps/www.seleniumconf.com.xml --no-fullPage


  • Quit during mid-execution:
    • ctrl-c only once and wait! This should put you in the FINALLY block to kill the execution and close all browsers. Repeated ctrl-c might break out of the his block and leave zombie browsers running on your pc which you'll have to manually kill.

Config Options:

  • This can be modified in the applitools.config.js file.
    serverUrl: "https://eyesapi.applitools.com",
    apiKey: process.env.APPLITOOLS_API_KEY,
    fullPage: true,
    logs: false,
    sendDom: false,
    lazyLoad: true,
    proxy: null, //'http://localhost:8888,yourUser,yourPassword',
    browsersInfo: [
        { width: 1200, height: 800, name: 'chrome'  },
        { width: 1200, height: 800, name: 'firefox' },
        { width: 1200, height: 800, name: 'ie10'    },
        { width: 1200, height: 800, name: 'ie11'    },
        { width: 1200, height: 800, name: 'edge'    },
        { deviceName: 'iPhone X', screenOrientation: 'portrait' },
        { deviceName: 'iPad',     screenOrientation: 'portrait' },
        { deviceName: 'Nexus 7',  screenOrientation: 'portrait' },
        { deviceName: 'Pixel 2',  screenOrientation: 'portrait' }

     //An Array of raw Selenium steps to take after the page loads... clicks, sendKeys, scroll etc...
    afterPageLoad: [


  • Multithread/process the sitemap creation to speed it up.
  • Clean/Dry the code. Split methods into classes.
  • Add additional checks/actions to a sitemap. e.g:
      <check>eyes.checkElementBy(By.css("div.section"), null, "Example")</check>