A command line program and library which locates all iDevices associated with an Apple ID registered on the iCloud services.
By default, a web client is used to access location data. A user is notified via email same way as he would be in the case of accessing an iCloud services through a web browser. Additionally, the 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) is triggered on devices associated with an Apple ID.
An alternative way is to use a mobile client through silent mode option. A user won't be notified via email and the 2FA is not triggered.
./fmidevice --help
iDevice locating tool
fmidevice [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
locate Locate iDevices for an Apple account
-h, --help help for fmidevice
Use "fmidevice [command] --help" for more information about a command.
./fmidevice locate --help
Locate iDevices for an Apple account
fmidevice locate [flags]
--account string An Apple account name
-h, --help help for locate
--password string An Apple password
--silent Silent mode allows to access location through a mobile client
./fmidevice locate --account <APPLE_ID> --password <APPLE_PASSWORD> --silent
[1] Device: iPad Air 2, Tester’s iPad ... Location: 0.000000, 0.000000
[2] Device: iPhone 3GS, Tester’s iPhone ... Location: 0.000000, 0.000000
[3] Device: iPhone 7, iPhone ... Location: 51.470493, 0.124431
[4] Device: iMac 21.5", iMac ... Location: 0.000000, 0.000000
[5] Device: iPhone 7, Tester’s iPhone ... Location: 0.000000, 0.000000
[6] Device: iMac 27", iMac ... Location: 0.000000, 0.000000
[7] Device: MacBook Pro 13", MacBook Pro ... Location: 51.470482, 0.124411
A configuration file such as (~/.fmidevice.yaml) can be loaded in an application if exists in a home directory. In silent mode, it allows to configure an AccountName (Apple ID), a PrsId and an AuthToken to bypass authentication via an AccountName and a Password. Normal (default) mode does not use content of a configuration file.
Configuration flags are prioritised over a values from a configuration file.
Example of a content present in a ~/.fmidevice.yaml file:
AccountName: tester.test@gmail.com
prsID: 422669977
AuthToken: IAAAAAAABLwIAAAAAFsNsMMRjbG91ZC5.....bwCrDpbTR3MOSXbonheI2OivFvl9JW4FKA~~
If a valid configuration file exists then you can run binary without parameters in silent mode.
./fmidevice locate --silent
go test -v ./...
export GOPATH=/Users/USER/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
source ~/.bash_profile
go install ./cmd/...
Proxy server can be configured by setting evironmental variables such as HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY.
HTTP_PROXY="http://localhost:8888" HTTPS_PROXY="http://localhost:8888" ./fmidevice locate --account <APPLE_ID> --password <APPLE_PASSWORD> --silent