neutriNote - the original extensible Markdown + Math note app. Non-commerical. No lock-ins. Only 3 MB footprint & highly optimized. Designed for plaintext purists.
- 573Leipzig
- Alex-of-House-Derp
- AmirulAndalib@KangersHub
- bends-c
- Bravoboss
- ckf42Hong Kong
- derekmaharMontreal, Quebec, Canada
- djorbornMaryland
- duchainerÉcole de Technologie Superieure
- epitronToronto
- flukejonesJasic Technology Europe
- glspdotnet
- HaoZeke@Quansight-Labs, @TheochemUI
- illdephyn3dBreadtruck Productions
- IngrownMink4Basque Country, Spain.
- jorgepintoartMexico
- madeindjs@contentsquare
- maffstephensFingerpress Ltd
- meafsInternet
- MoriarT3a
- Mpic
- nedimlisicaBosnia and Herzegovina
- nkrishnaswamiNew York, NY
- nymphokiller
- NyX-KB
- orionlee
- pranaysyMRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
- sammduToronto, ON, Canada
- skkrSikker
- spencermathewsCalifornia
- Subbarao6338
- Texhnolyze47
- tzkmx@levo-mx
- WPum
- x2009again
- xibr