A swift library for quickly integrating a built in camera session into your app.
Installing with cocoapods
pod 'PhotographyKit'
Quick start
First start by creating a PhotographyKitDelegate, this will handle the result of any images being captured
extension CameraViewController: PhotographyKitDelegate {
func didCaptureImage(image: UIImage) {
imageView.image = image
func didStartRecordingVideo() {
print("Recording started...")
func didFinishRecordingVideo(url: URL) {
print("Finished recording video to \(url.absoluteString)")
func didFailRecordingVideo(error: Error) {
print("Failed recording video to \(url.absoluteString) with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
Once you have your delegate setup, you can initialize your PhotographyKit object. The initializer takes 2 arguments:
- A view that will be used to display your camera preview
- The delegate which we declare above.
- Be aware that if your PhotographyKit object allows video then you will need microphone permissions
do {
camera = try PhotographyKit(view: captureView, delegate: self, allowsVideo: true)
} catch let error {
showPhotographyKitError(error as? PhotographyKitError)
Once this is done you can toggle flash, switch cameras, take photos and record videos
try? camera.takePhoto()
try? camera.startVideoRecording(maxLength: 15)
try? camera.switchCamera()
try? camera.toggleFlash(.auto)