
Mail Web is a Laravel package which catches emails locally for debugging

Primary LanguageVue


MailWeb is a Laravel package designed to help developers with emails. With MailWeb you can effortlessly catch and view your application's outgoing emails. This allows developers to quickly see, debug and share emails.

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Table of Contents


  • Intercept Outgoing Emails: Catch and view your application's emails in real-time for faster debugging.
  • Tailwind-Powered UI: Navigate with ease using a responsive, modern interface.
  • Shareable Email Previews: Collaborate with your team effortlessly by sharing email previews.
  • Advanced Search: Quickly locate emails with robust search functionality.


Use the package manager composer to install Mail Web.

composer require appoly/mail-web



Run the migration

php artisan migrate

Publish the assets to your project using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=mailweb-public --force

Publish the config to your project using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=mailweb-config --force

For ease, you can publish the assets by adding the following to your composer.json

"post-update-cmd": [
    "@php artisan vendor:publish --tag=mailweb-public --force"

Register the routes using the mailweb macro


To use Mail Web you need to add a Gate to your AuthServiceProvider. If you would like to limit the users that can access the route then use

public function boot()
  Gate::define("view-mailweb", function ($user) {
      return in_array($user->email, [

Should you want to allow access to all users then change the above code to

Gate::define("view-mailweb", function ($user) {
    return true;

Although it can be dangerous, should you want to allow access to anyone (regardless of authentication) then change the above code to

Gate::define("view-mailweb", function ($user = null) {
    return true;

Laravel 11 Notes

In Laravel 11, the AuthServiceProvider is not included in new projects by default. Gates can be defined in the AppServiceProvider instead.

In your local environment, it's advised to set your mail driver to LOG to prevent SMTP errors.


To view emails then go to


Limiting the number of stored emails

The number of emails stored is handled via a command that must be setup to run. You can choose how often this needs to run according to how many emails you receive. Below, we have showed it being set up to run daily.

The remaining number is customisable via the MAILWEB_LIMIT config variable, which you can specify in your .env, or the default of 30 will be used.

The recommended place to schedule commands is in routes/console.php:

// routes/console.php
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schedule;

// ... Your other commands here

Or on older laravel versions which have been upgraded manually, you may still be using app/Console/Kernel.php:

    protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
        // ... Your other commands here

Storing Attachments on a disk (eg. s3)

To store attachments on a disk, the config variable MAILWEB_ATTACHMENTS.DISK must be set to the disk name, which should exist in your app's config/filesystems.php file. This is set via a .env variable MAILWEB_ATTACHMENTS_DISK.

Eg. If you have a disk called s3 setup, then adding MAILWEB_ATTACHMENTS_DISK=s3 to your .env file will store attachments on the s3 disk.

The default path is /mailweb/attachments/..., and this can be customised but updating the MAILWEB_ATTACHMENTS_PATH env variable to whatever you wish.

When mails are deleted, the attachments will be deleted as well if the disk and path have remained unchanged from when the attachment was created.

Migrating to v5

If you previously used MailWeb you will notice a new archived table. This is because we have changed to data structure making it easier to pull out the email data we need rather than storing the whole email object. We are working on a command to migrate any stored emails over but for the time being these emails will no longer be viewable.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


There are multiple ways to set up a local composer project, one of which is as follows:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run composer install
  3. Note the path to the directory
  4. Go to another php/Laravel project and add the following items to your composer.json:
"repositories": [
        "type": "path",
        "url": "../path/to/MailWeb",
        "options": {
            "symlink": true
  1. Change the require section with @dev for the package:
"require": {
    "appoly/mail-web": "@dev"
  1. Run composer update in this project, and it should now be linked to the dev version of MailWeb
