
A simple modal component built with Vue.js

Primary LanguageVue

Vue Modal

A simple and customizable modal component built with Vue.js. This component provides an easy-to-use interface for creating modals with various customization options.


Install the package via npm:

npm install @appoly/vue-modal 


Import and register the component in your Vue application:

import VueModal from '@appoly/vue-modal';

export default {
    components: {

Use the component in your template:

<vue-modal ref="modal">  
    <template #header>  
        <h3>Modal Header</h3>  
    <template #body>  
        <p>This is the body content of the modal.</p>  
    <template #footer>  
        <p>Footer content</p>  
    <template #buttons>  
        <button @click="cancel">Cancel</button>  
        <button @click="confirm">Confirm</button>  

Open the Modal

To open the modal, use the openModal method:



Prop Type Default Description
confirmButtonText String "Confirm" Text for the confirm button.
confirmButtonClass String "btn btn-primary btn-large" Class for the confirm button.
closeOnOutsideClick Boolean true Determines if clicking outside the modal should close it.
showConfirmButton Boolean true Controls the visibility of the confirm button.
cancelButtonText String "Cancel" Text for the cancel button.
cancelButtonClass String "btn btn-danger btn-large mr-2" Class for the cancel button.
closeOnButtonClick Boolean true Determines if clicking the confirm/cancel button should close the modal.
animation String "zoom" Animation type for the modal ("zoom", "bounce", "fade").
escClosesModal Boolean true Should the modal close if the Esc key is pressed (and closeOnOutsideClick is True)
timeout Number 0 Auto-close modal after the specified timeout in milliseconds.
stickyFooter Boolean false Makes the footer sticky at the bottom of the modal.
stickyHeader Boolean false Makes the header sticky at the top of the modal.
width String "700px" Width of the modal. Supports units (px, %, em, rem).
maxHeight String "75%" Maximum height of the modal. Supports units (px, %, em, rem).
escClosesModal Boolean true Determines if pressing the Escape key should close the modal.


Slot Description
header Content for the modal header.
body Content for the modal body.
footer Content for the modal footer.
buttons Custom buttons to display in the modal footer.


Method Description
openModal() Opens the modal.
closeModal() Closes the modal.
cancelButtonClicked() Handles the cancel button click event.
confirm() Handles the confirm button click event.
handleOutsideClick() Closes the modal if clicking outside (if enabled).
handleEsc(event) Closes the modal if the Escape key is pressed (if enabled).


Event Description
cancel Emitted when the cancel button is clicked.
confirm Emitted when the confirm button is clicked.


The modal component uses the following class names:

  • .modal-backdrop - For the modal backdrop.
  • .modal - For the modal container.
  • .model-content - For the content area within the modal.
  • .btn - For buttons within the modal.

Custom animations are also provided for zoom, bounce, and fade.