
Python wrapper and evaluation tools for the Approach Zero search engine core.

Primary LanguagePython

Note Please refer to the mabowdor branch for replicating our results in the recent SIGIR paper: One Blade for One Purpose: Advancing Math Information Retrieval using Hybrid Search.


PyA0 is a Python wrapper for Approach Zero search engine. It provides Python interface to make the search engine core easy to play with.

In order to build this Python module, you will need to have this repository placed as a git submodule from its parent repository and then issue make in this directory.

Quick Start

Install the PyPI package using pip

$ sudo pip3 install --upgrade pya0

If you find pip is unable to find package, update to the latest pip and try again:

$ sudo apt-get install curl python3-distutils
$ curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python3
$ sudo pip install -i https://pypi.python.org/simple/ --trusted-host pypi.org pya0
$ python3 -c 'import pya0'

Math token lexing

Test a simple math token scanner:

import pya0
lst = pya0.lex('\\lim_{n \\to \\infty} (1 + 1/n)^n')


[(269, 'LIM', 'lim'), (274, 'SUBSCRIPT', 'subscript'), (260, 'VAR', "normal`n'"), (270, 'ARROW', 'to'), (260, 'INFTY', 'infty'), (259, 'ONE', "`1'"), (261, 'ADD', 'plus'), (259, 'ONE', "`1'"), (264, 'FRAC', 'frac'), (260, 'VAR', "normal`n'"), (275, 'SUPSCRIPT', 'supscript'), (260, 'VAR', "normal`n'")]

Refer to tests/ directory for more complete example usages.

Download prebuilt index and search

See what prebuilt indexes we have available:

python -m pya0 --list-prebuilt-indexes
description       NTCIR-12 Wikipedia Formula Browsing                       
image_filesystem  reiserfs                                                  
md5               6e87fc52a8f02c05113034c4b14b3e06                          
urls              [https://vault.cs.uwaterloo.ca/s/gySLti89gZF8xz6/download]

One-line command to download the NTCIR-12 WFB index and evaluate its topics:

rm -f ntcir12_wfb.run
python -m pya0 --use-fallback-parser --verbose \
  --index ntcir-wfb --collection ntcir12-math-browsing-concrete --trec-output ntcir12_wfb.run

Now evaluate the generated run:

$ ./eval-ntcir12.sh tsv ./ntcir12_wfb.run
./ntcir12_wfb.run 0.6304 0.5411

Example Usage

Generate NTCIR-12 run:

python -m pya0 --use-fallback-parser --index ../../indexes/mnt-ntcir12_wfb.img/ --collection ntcir12-math-browsing-concrete --trec-output runs/ntcir12_wfb.run

Generate ARQMath (2022) runs:

# task 1
python -m pya0 --stemmer porter --index ../../indexes/mnt-arqmath-task1.img/ --collection arqmath-2022-task1-manual --trec-output runs/arqmath_task1.run

# task 2
python -m pya0 --index ../../indexes/mnt-arqmath-task2.img/ --collection arqmath-2022-task2-refined --trec-output runs/arqmath_task2.run

Generate grid-search runs:

python -m pya0 --use-fallback-parser --index ../../indexes/mnt-ntcir12_wfb.img/ --collection ntcir12-math-browsing-concrete --auto-eval ./experiments/auto_eval--symbol-scores.tsv

Evaluate a run (evaluating ARQMath Task 2 will require downloading slt_representation_v3):

wget https://vault.cs.uwaterloo.ca/s/TpSPrZY4xxRYGS2/download -O training-and-inference/datasets/latex_representation_v3.zip
unzip training-and-inference/datasets/latex_representation_v3.zip
./eval-arqmath3/task2/eval.sh --tsv=./slt_representation_v3/ --nojudge

Transformer Models

Please check out ./training-and-inference

Making Search Index (optional)

First, use utils/corpus_converter.py to convert raw dataset files to jsonl file, the latter can be fed to approach0 indexerd using a0-crawlers feeder.

Datasets can be found here: https://vault.cs.uwaterloo.ca/s/RTJ27g9Ek2kanRe

We have made pre-processed jsonl files available, download them using:

wget https://vault.cs.uwaterloo.ca/s/s2bcWssfAHHyeTF/download -O ntcir12_wfb.jsonl
wget https://vault.cs.uwaterloo.ca/s/ANg5XQyGLsZPXLL/download -O arqmath3_task1.jsonl
wget https://vault.cs.uwaterloo.ca/s/tY5SfDgErgkBr28/download -O arqmath3_task2.jsonl

Second, create index images and mount them as loop devices

cd a0-engine
sudo ./indexerd/scripts/vdisk-setup.sh
vdisk-creat.sh reiserfs 1K
vdisk-mount.sh reiserfs vdisk.img

To make enough space for common datasets, consider these examples

df -h
/dev/loop6       12G  8.2G  3.9G  68% /home/w32zhong/indexes/mnt-arqmath-task1.img
/dev/loop8       12G  9.0G  3.1G  75% /home/w32zhong/indexes/mnt-arqmath-task2.img
/dev/loop9      5.0G  609M  4.5G  12% /home/w32zhong/indexes/mnt-ntcir12_wfb.img

Thrid, run indexerd daemon to create index for NTCIR-12 WFB:

cd a0-engine/indexerd
./run/indexerd.out -o ~/indexes/mnt-ntcir12_wfb.img/ -p 8935 -e

then, run feeder to feed jsonl file to indexerd:

cd a0-crawlers/feeder
python feeder.py --indexd-url http://localhost:8935/index --bye --corpus ntcir12_wfb ./feeder.ini ~/corpus/ntcir12_wfb.jsonl

For the ARQMath datasets, use arqmath_task1_default__use_porter_stemmer and arqmath_task2_v3 as corpus names.

Building This Package

Build for Local Package

Build and install package locally (for testing):

$ make clean
$ sudo python3 setup.py install

then, you can import as library from system path:

import pya0

Build for Manylinux Distribution

Install Docker:

apt-get update
which docker || curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
which docker || sh get-docker.sh

Pull and run image quay.io/pypa/manylinux_2_24_x86_64 at the parent source directory of approach0 and assume $HOME is where you put Indri and Jieba code:

sudo docker run -it -v `pwd`:/code -v $HOME:/host quay.io/pypa/manylinux_2_24_x86_64 bash

Inside docker container, build pya0 as instructed below, so that you have a linux wheel, e.g., ./dist/pya0-0.1-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl.

Typical build process:

# Inside docker, setup system environment...
apt update
apt install -y git build-essential g++ cmake wget flex bison python3
apt install -y libz-dev libevent-dev libopenmpi-dev libxml2-dev libfl-dev
apt install -y libiberty-dev
apt install -y build-essential python-dev python3-pip python3-venv
python3 -m pip install --upgrade build # install pip-build tool

# Now, start building (or if you enter from the quickstart image)...
cd /code
./configure --indri-path=/host/indri --jieba-path=/host/cppjieba
(cd /host/indri && make clean && make) # this one takes minutes to build
make clean && make
cd ./pya0 && make clean && make

Use docker commit $(docker ps -q | head -1) quickstart to save the container for later re-use:

sudo docker run -it -v `pwd`:/code -v $HOME:/host quickstart bash

Create a pip distribution package:

$ rm -rf dist wheelhouse
$ python3 -m build

Upload to PyPI.org

Edit setup.py and bump up version number.

Install twine

$ apt install rustc libssl-dev libffi-dev
$ python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade twine

Then inspect the wheel:

$ auditwheel show ./dist/pya0-*.whl

pya0-0.1-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl is consistent with the following
platform tag: "linux_x86_64".

The wheel references external versioned symbols in these system-
provided shared libraries: libgcc_s.so.1 with versions {'GCC_3.0'},
libz.so.1 with versions {'ZLIB_1.2.0', 'ZLIB_1.2.3.3',
'ZLIB_1.2.2.3'}, libstdc++.so.6 with versions {'GLIBCXX_3.4.10',
'GLIBCXX_3.4.11', 'GLIBCXX_3.4.21', 'GLIBCXX_3.4.15', 'CXXABI_1.3',
'CXXABI_1.3.8', 'GLIBCXX_3.4', 'CXXABI_1.3.9', 'GLIBCXX_3.4.9',
'CXXABI_1.3.1', 'GLIBCXX_3.4.20'}, libpthread.so.0 with versions
{'GLIBC_2.2.5', 'GLIBC_2.3.2', 'GLIBC_2.3.3'}, libc.so.6 with versions
{'GLIBC_2.7', 'GLIBC_2.17', 'GLIBC_2.3.4', 'GLIBC_2.15', 'GLIBC_2.3',
'GLIBC_2.3.2', 'GLIBC_2.4', 'GLIBC_2.22', 'GLIBC_2.2.5',
'GLIBC_2.14'}, libdl.so.2 with versions {'GLIBC_2.2.5'}, libm.so.6
with versions {'GLIBC_2.2.5'}, liblzma.so.5 with versions {'XZ_5.0'}

This constrains the platform tag to "manylinux_2_24_x86_64". In order
to achieve a more compatible tag, you would need to recompile a new
wheel from source on a system with earlier versions of these
libraries, such as a recent manylinux image.

the auditwheel suggests to use platform manylinux_2_24_x86_64.

Fix it to that platform:

$ auditwheel repair ./dist/*.whl --plat manylinux_2_24_x86_64 -w ./wheelhouse
INFO:auditwheel.main_repair:Repairing pya0-0.2.8-py3-none-any.whl
INFO:auditwheel.wheeltools:Previous filename tags: any
INFO:auditwheel.wheeltools:New filename tags: manylinux_2_24_x86_64
INFO:auditwheel.wheeltools:Previous WHEEL info tags: py3-none-any
INFO:auditwheel.wheeltools:Changed wheel type to Platlib
INFO:auditwheel.wheeltools:New WHEEL info tags: py3-none-manylinux_2_24_x86_64
Fixed-up wheel written to /code/pya0/wheelhouse/pya0-0.2.8-py3-none-manylinux_2_24_x86_64.whl

Then you should be able to upload to PIP:

$ python3 -m twine upload --repository pypi wheelhouse/*.whl

(use username __token__ and your created token on https://pypi.org)

Use unzip to view and check if shared libraries are there in the manylinux wheel:

root@1c06f5c28b7b:/host/a0-engine/pya0# unzip -l wheelhouse/pya0-0.1.7-py3-none-manylinux_2_24_x86_64.whl
Archive:  wheelhouse/pya0-0.1.7-py3-none-manylinux_2_24_x86_64.whl
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
      927  2021-03-08 19:00   setup.py
  2065112  2021-03-08 19:01   pya0.libs/libxml2-bbd52ef6.so.2.9.4
  2020736  2021-03-08 19:01   pya0.libs/libicuuc-5743fca1.so.57.1
    43296  2021-03-08 19:01   pya0.libs/libltdl-e9c06fbe.so.7.3.1
   272392  2021-03-08 19:01   pya0.libs/libhwloc-811858d2.so.5.7.2
   312216  2021-03-08 19:01   pya0.libs/libevent-2-6d3aa264.0.so.5.1.9
  3805032  2021-03-08 19:01   pya0.libs/libicui18n-03536ef3.so.57.1
   159384  2021-03-08 19:01   pya0.libs/liblzma-5b8415cf.so.5.2.2
   640624  2021-03-08 19:01   pya0.libs/libopen-rte-6abe1f34.so.20.1.0
   108624  2021-03-08 19:01   pya0.libs/libz-7fd423a0.so.1.2.8
  1079848  2021-03-08 19:01   pya0.libs/libmpi-69c5bc42.so.20.0.2
   785248  2021-03-08 19:01   pya0.libs/libopen-pal-321722b9.so.20.2.0
    48432  2021-03-08 19:01   pya0.libs/libnuma-c8473f23.so.1.0.0
 25678440  2021-03-08 19:01   pya0.libs/libicudata-79cf9efa.so.57.1
        1  2021-03-08 19:01   pya0-0.1.7.dist-info/top_level.txt
      133  2021-03-08 19:01   pya0-0.1.7.dist-info/WHEEL
     5581  2021-03-08 19:01   pya0-0.1.7.dist-info/METADATA
     1757  2021-03-08 19:01   pya0-0.1.7.dist-info/RECORD
       24  2021-03-08 18:51   pya0/__init__.py
 75878488  2021-03-08 19:01   pya0/pya0.so
---------                     -------
112906295                     20 files